There is a pretty good possibility that I will be leaning more heavily toward Discussions / LBRY vs Hive / Dtube. At the moment Discussions and lbry have far better improvements for UX design while Hive and dtube are all over the place. I can very casually use discussions to repost tweets and various other bits of content while I am at a complete loss to do so with Hive.
Hive / Dtube are super duper clunky. Its hard to bring new people in. Its super hard to stay motivated to want to produce stuff on this platform. Its improved very little over the years as well. I do not plan to leave Hive / Dtube, but good god its hard not to see the stark contrast that discussions / lbry brings to the table.
I am thinking about powering down Hive now to begin buying up more LBC and Atmos.
Follow me on these platforms to see the difference for yourself.
What about 3Speak.Online ?
Its just as clunky if not more. Its really hard to get people on to these platforms.