Hive History.

in #hive11 days ago

My view.

The Hive Name.png

I am sure if you ask any other, you will get a different reply than mine. But then on most things, that will be the same. Or so history shows.

Can't say much about before Hive was here. Only about since Hive blockchain was made. Whatever was before that. It was not Hive.

Hive history is a failure after failure. Year after year, it has failed the people who use it. It shows no signs of improvement. There is BLARNEY everywhere on Hive. Especially from those with projects going. People pulling money from the chain to pursue their own private project.

There is always talk of a business using Hive in the future and what it could do for them. What utter bollox. Hive is a risk, a very big risk for a company. Hive offers nothing but additional hassle to a company. Even with HBD. The price tag in the shop will not change due to a fluctuation in HBD. Often going down by over 5%. A company to lose 5% on each item sold is a joke. A store trading 100K a day would lose 5K.

What has Hive done to combat this? If you say HBD stabiliser. You have no clue what you are talking about. With the stabiliser HIVE still drops more than 5%.

Hive just screams STAY THE FUK AWAY!!! for any investment from a business.

All of those who have said the good thing they are doing for the blockchain. Have done nothing to make sure the blockchain is still here in 10 years. Not one thing in over 4 years.

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I can hear the echoes from the future of comments about the great witness Blarney is and how much they have done to help (help) the blockchain. The different front ends you can now use. o do the same thing. The different games that came about. Questionable effort on most.

The reason why Hive fails time after time is simple. It does nothing to protect itself. A reliance on a decentralised system that cannot be shut down. Trust me it can. You can ask in Discord how, if you want to know. Piss easy too.

It gets easier and easier to do as time plays on.

Unless something is done to alter the path that Hive takes. The same things that do not perform to standard will exist and continue to diminish the ability to capture and retain an audience.

We have tried your way for how long?
Why not try some other way for the same amount of time with the same amount of support and see if that can bring a positive result.

There is no doubt that the things done, in many cases needed to get done. No one is disputing that. But many will agree and I think a higher part of the population although less stake, just see what is going on as corrupt and beyond the stake power to counter.

The point is. What has been done has shown. that's not the way to keep going to gain what is sought.

But do it one more time?

Code only matters when Hive is successful.

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Coders. They need a wage. Agreed.
Nodes. They cost money to run and need maintenance, it costs. Agreed.
Witness. They serve a vital purpose and should be rewarded. Agreed.
Projects. We need to be able to fund new projects. Agreed.

This list goes longer than Ariston. I will answer agreed to just about anything that is added. And do a poll to see if we should flag any wokey kokey nonsense.
I agree to them all. They all need to get paid. They should. And it should be guaranteed too. Terms conditions stuff.

There is nothing wrong with people having a contract work on Hive. FGS. That is what is wanted. You all fail to see how to pay for it. Do not listen to anything outside of your mind.

How things are funded needs to change. Where that finance comes from needs to change.

Build that and know what you are building.

You are not building an alternative DHF. You are building an alternative financial support system for the Hive blockchain. Part of this finance will be awarded to coders or nodes and witness. This can even increase the rewards lower level witness gain. Additional bonus based on tier up. Bottom tier gets the most % wise per witness. The top 20 would be excluded from this. Numbers can be decided.

Funding projects. Game development. Coders witness can all be funded. The only question is. As we build which do we begin to remove first. The witness? The Coder?

There is also Projects that are beneficial for the chain. Like Tribaldex and the Keychain. Projects like those should be bought by the chain. Those services should not reply on an individual to keep running. Many obvious reasons for this. Another service might be the purchase of Hive Vote,

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Here we are again. The topic was already in the air. Hyping Hive. Bull market. Then Blocktrade made a genius move with the Proposal page and stirred the pot. Ensue panic. Popular topic so the threw my tuppence worth in a few times. 1 more and I will have thrown 10pence in.

A volcano of DHF lava spewed out on the the blogs. Filling the pages with splashes of theory and opinion filling the screen. At the end it just died down and no one wants to do anything about the things they said were wrong. Those things no longer seem to matter.

The discussion of something different in the future. Is an impossible task. Even when people around Hive talk about the future, they don't. They talk about the present and add a future context. When this does this Hive will be able to do.

When you ask the question. What happens then? They are lost.

For coders. Well that whole things of financing that way is a silly thing. A coder decides he wants to code something then gets the chain to pay for his time to code the thing he wants to code.

Why is there not a list of those CODES that need coding? Let coder put in a bid to do them. Or complete them have them tested then get paid for the work. An agreed amount. Failure to produce would mean what?

It is very possible in a matter of years to begin an alternative finance for support. Along with this. There would be an increase in demand for the Hive tokens.

If I understand that. There will be less sell pressure if the HIVE price is higher. The coder or witness will not have to use so many to cover the bills.

There are a multitude of other benefits that have knock on effects from doing things out side of the box of other blockchain.

If you want to be the one that stands out. Do what the others are not doing.

Protect the chain.

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Stabilizer has done quite a bit to keep HBD stable on the internal market although the spread is still not ideal and the amount of liquidity is extremely limited.

HBD is on literally one exchange externally and is pretty much left to do whatever and isn't an accurate indicator of HBDs PEG. Generally the haircut rule and internal markets are the only really indicators of it's stability at the moment and it's far from being perfect, and orders of magnitude worse than any other stable coin in existence today.

I'd argue it's better than nothing and I feel you'd likely agree but ofcourse it doesn't mean we should sit on our hands.

Hive fundamental issue has always been a lack of awareness, exchange listings, news coverage, user friendly UI/UX & onboarding procedures to name just a few and frankly I don't see this improving anytime within the next year. VSC might change this and accelerate some progress towards better UX/UI and onboarding but it's not going to be quick by any means.

With regards to paying coders specifically. I Imagine a system where coding tasks can be put up for coders, either individual or a team, can place BIDs on them of a price they want paying for the work, they person added the task could put up a price or price range they are willing to pay or the chain is willing to offer depending on what is going to pay for such thing in the end.

The job would be payed upon recept of functioning code, that is then merged and tested into the main code base, only then would payout be recieved.

The problem I have imagining atm is who gets the jobs.. How do we decide on that?
Is it decentralized done via stake based voting like the DHF. Natureally we'd require anyone bidding for a job to display coding background and previous projects, best done with github accounts as history of code contributions is easy to look at on there.

But it's deciding who we go with thats the part I can figure out right now.
I mean.. We could just make it a bounty system. Here is task.. it pays this much, if you build it and it gets tested and merged into the codebase cool you get paid..

But here another issue crops up.. Who decided if it's good code? Obviously the witnesses.. but. not many of the witnesses have exceptional code experience or knowledge of the HIVE codebase. Does the core team decide? the people in control of the codebase and sourcecode.. i.e blocktrades and a few others? Granted it's not total control, in an ideal world witnesses should actually review the code they are running when new versions come out but in reality many just trust blocktrades and the rest. Not all witnesses mind.. The concensus ones are all very familiar with the code and actually do proper reviews.

Anyway I digress..
I can imagine most of the system. just certain parts might require more thought..
Perhaps a google doc is in order to write down and design this thing.

Awareness is not an issue.

All the things you mention are the things of why it is this way. Are brought about by influence.

We have to make our own. We are decentralised. we do not have a financier. We need one. We need to make our one.

lol Write them down. It is all over the discord server

we do not have a financier. We need one

The DHF is 'supposed' to be this financier.

If we make our own financier, It's have to be a private company that fronts the capital to do so.

If we create a trustless type system that runs on chain and take money from ?? inflation? Well that's the DHF. To be funded by anything else would require a HUMAN completely removing it's trustless status.

The problem I'm seeing in my mind is.. in order to do things like Finance development without doing things like take from chain token inflation fundamentally REQUIRES a human and in doing some require trust, reputation and most of all LIABILITY.

The reason no company has popped up to get us on exchanges and act like a foundation of sorts to provide funding is specifically because exchanges generally require a scapegoat. someone or something that will be LIABLE if something goes wrong on chain like a hack or some bad fork that fucks things up. Because everything is at the behest of the old system and governing laws.

I'd add I'm by no means familiar with a lot of this subject around exchanges and foundations ect. But it's been a recurring feature in conversation that no one seems to want a foundation or centralized entity controlling the chain and no one in the right mind would make a company or foundation working on behalf of the chain because places like exchanges would what them to be held liable for failures in the chain.

I'm in the mind that the core devs like blocktrades are reluctant to build systems that require humans, everything needs to be trustless and decentralized and that's a difficult thing to do when it comes to money and funding. cause thats what the DHF is to an extent. the only human factor is the voting of proposals. everything else is trustless and done via code.

It requires humans to code.

You have the basic concept now.