
When we have a government that deals drugs. I do not mean medical drugs, I am talking about cocaine heroin any drug that is considered illegal. To touch on marijuana, I do not think it is a drug, I would say the daily use of any recreational substance has a negative undertone.
A government that deals drugs and traffics them around the world. The US government. There is no secret, it is common knowledge the CIA is involved in the drug trade. It topples those who they can no longer control and inserts a new top man.
Any individual who threatens their set up. Ends up with a price on their head. America's most wanted. That is the reason Kinahan's are on their list. Because they disrupt the business of drugs through the CIA. They lose sales.

Standards of behaviour have dropped over the past decades. More precisely, The abandonment of morals. What is right and wrong. Right and wrong now is determined in a moment. It is determined by the individual. The wrongs of yesterday can be the right of today and wrong again tomorrow. All this depends on how it hurts or helps the individual.
One can do what ever they like and anyone having a problem with it, is in the wrong. Courts no linger punish those who do wrong. A man can beat a woman to a pulp and walk free. He can walk free because if the judge jails him. He would lose his position as a private in the army.
They will lock you up for the words you use though.
I do not know about you. I do not want woman beaters in the army. I want real men. Not men who get trained to fight and use it on civilian women. Confusion for me on what morals that judge holds.
The coward even ran away.

Is it any wonder, people lost their morals. When they look around and see. Liars thieves and all sorts get a better life than those who try hard and put the effort in. When the systems teach by example of corruption, blatant lies and protection of the guilty at the cost to the victim.
This is the world we live in today. A world I would like to fight against.
I might be alone. But it only takes one loose nut to take down a structure.

I wonder what the standards of behaviour are here on Hive? Do you have an opinion on that? To me the bar is set very low.

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