Cause this stuff winds me up.

The corruption in some countries in more open than others. The more a governments seems to voice its hypocrisy of equality and fairness, of the democracy it holds and the self righteous need to judge other nations. Those are the most corrupt and externally controlled.
The blame has to fall with those who permit this? The problem there is. It is the majority who permit this. The majority have an addiction of letting the ones who keep getting us into a mess. Drag us in to a deeper mess trying to sort out the first mess. This all comes about because of abusive spending of tax payers money with an increasing personal bank balance.
Ireland is becoming a corporate state. It will not be long before it is obvious. What is good for corporate counts as law. Things are already moving in the direction. All of the talking shouting marching protesting and demands for change will be ignored or at best appeased and then ignored.
You could go back through the history of the Irish government and fill library's of books. The biggest part of it in the last 40 years.

So I don't want to do that. I want to focus on Ireland its future and how we the people of Ireland can once and then keep control over the government we elect. Making Hive a utensil we use as an aide in this process begins the removal of powers and restoration to the people of Ireland to make the choices that benefit them.
I have reached out to politicians all over. I cannot get a reply from one. Not one wants a discussion unless scripted.
Not too sure about myself in politics. I see the role more as representation. It would be my job to make sure the best for the Irish is there and not my personal opinion. If there is something I felt strongly against. I would voice that to the people and explain why I fold that position on a topic, should our vote preference differ too much. If in opposition, My vote would veto the vote. This would need to be an extreme difference and not just personal choice. But that is me and I was not always of that mindset.
Imagine if.
I could politic by using Dpoll. So I have a list of things other members are asking me to vote on. Publish here ask my constituents link a Dpoll and job done. Now I know what way people want me to vote. The same as any employment. You are there to do what the boss wants. In this case it would be the people are the boss. On any major decision, or something out of the norm. They should be consulted.
Pushing Hive down peoples throats didn't work. Back door it in to daily life like every other manipulation that goes on. Give an alternative reason to use the chain. One that does not need the chain getting mentioned. Which has been done.
But my ambition is not there in the politics, Although politics does intrude. My ambition leans more towards enabling opportunity for those young now. Not really providing anything in the way of daily life. But providing a means they can use to lift themselves up. Being there to guide a piece or two on use. After providing something, providing the support is just as vital.

When you listen. TV radio, look around read a paper, the links pushed at you over the phone. Just as an example. When has any of the media covered the NATO/US started war against Russia using Ukraine as a puppet. When have they once brought news about Russia side of the story? Why do they only want you to hear one side?
I think it is because they know they do not know what they are talking about. They having talking headlines to say and no depth. They run from mere conversation on a topic.

Let me know what you think in the comments.
Should we start a new party for the people. People employed by the people to a position of authority for the purpose of honest representation.
Partially at least decentralised government.

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Politics it's a dirty game you can't win fair and square(((
I dare to differ.
There is a need to build to hold those with a position of authority accountable.
That is my intention.
as my country's experience has shown, it's impossible to do it from the inside.
But I wish you only good luck in this difficult endeavor!
You do not do it from the inside.
Finance is the power.
COLT on tribaldex. With that token I hope to bring about accountability.
Getting support for something so big is not so easy.
Your desire for justice is admirable!
A corrupt person can never be forced to voluntarily become accountable in a blockchain.....
From the very beginning until today, no regulatory body has ever been able to defeat corruption.
This is the same reason why it is unlikely that cbdc will ever be able to supplant cash
Think outside the box we are kept captive in, with regards to finance.
A point to make. Politicians to the most part are not hardened criminals. The thoughts of themselves in prison for practises outside of mandated authority. No they can't take prison. Once you reach a level to hold 2 or more accountable. The others will fall in to place.
Remember this is about people holding the power and not those in an elected position. Elected positions should do what the people say and not tell the people what they must do. They are there to govern for us, not over us.
As for cash, the costs of using cash will rise with comparison to use of Digital. Using digital will provide a discount. Or not the inflated price for using cash.
Then there is the understanding of a decentralised currency to get the head around. Right now there is two options, People make the decentralised currency, Or the banks make something that looks like it.
I am on the side of we make it.
Everything the banks try do I wrote 6 years ago, here on Hive. Though I may have wrote that in Brayden or Jan23com account.
let's take a simple example, you are a politician, but the media in your country, belonging to third forces, incite Russophobia in the country. Your people demand, if not to start a war directly, then at least to supply someone with lethal weapons and allow them to strike deep into the territory.... What will you do as a politician? Will you ban non-commercial organizations like in the USA, Russia and Georgia or will you allow manipulating the public opinion of your voters?
A person who has power, but not an elected position, will not use all his power to prevent you from being elected to that position? After all, your thirst for justice is surely a blow to someone's power corrupt pocket...
In my personal opinion, looking at the political processes in my country, those who are not steeped in corruption or other abuses will not be allowed even close to leadership or lawmaking positions.
Corporations need controllable people in electoral positions, and they finance election campaigns, for which politicians then pay against the interests of voters
Do you have the means to support a political party? No? Then you will be gladly helped by a philanthropist, whose interests will just have to be lobbied at the right moment.
But they will not tell you this in advance, but only when you get into debt and take the necessary position...
Let it be just my observations and will not touch your political future in any way. I will be interested to watch your progress!
Honestly, I can tell you two futures. the first I won't succeed. Which is most likely unless I reach a 3 million investment over time. Then it's slow progress. additional 1.5 and there is some pace. After that comes the peoples choice. (Although that would be one place and peoples choice on what improves the area would be supported.
Additionally, Support would then be given to do the same thing in another community and repeat the process. This has all been done before with a start of 4 Million and it worked.
Me personally I do not need to be elected. Only help to start the process. While you see the issues we face. I have seen those too and compensated for within the things I think. In all of this do not forget at certain points changes are made, from that point things in the future are slightly different and you cannot look at them with the same eye piece as you do the present.
Should I go to politics. Then my time is taken away from removing the power politicians hold. There is an easier way that sheds no blood from our part anyway. It is a smooth transition. for the most part it would be like switching from cola to max. Just a choice people make. There is encouragement to make that choice though. Which I will be writing that in a post so not here in a comment lol.
If you would like a deeper view let me know.
TheHive#4070 in discord.
There is so many levels in this politics is one small corner in the end, Right now bigger than a corner, but in time it is one cog in a system to benefit people. Limitation on what we can and cannot do are in a constitution we write. Like going in to competition with Apple to reduce phone prices is not our thing. More along the lines of the things people need to live.
lol, Well thought out, but way under financed.
Honestly most humans are sheep. They would much rather be given explicit rules to follow then to have complete anarchy and chaos that self governing would create.
We just need to guide them to better pastures.
So I figure now is a time I stop asking people local to me to join Hive in one way or another. I have over a dozen people signed with accounts locally. None of them ever log in.
So I am going to choose a few account Give them a Multipack potato chip. Cost about €2.50. Then they will advertise they got it free for being a member of the shop club. Then hopefully more of their neighbours will want some and ask for an account.
I guess it comes down to. Are we the sheep shepherd or the wolf? Maybe something else?