Social Philosophy and Hive.

in #hive2 months ago

The Start.

The Hive Name.png

First post. Content? One Must Help Each Other

Second Post. Blarney as an example of nothing changed in thousands of years.

Third Post. The last couple of paragraphs tell the how. Not the detail.

Fourth Post. Objectives. Short list.

That is what needs to be done without the violence in a shorter period of time.

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As with any project. A supply of finance is needed. This project would be no different. The project does keep going and does end with considerable amounts of finance available. Security of those finances can be addressed in Governance. Not yet published.

Both finance and governance could fill a post of their own easy.

The Start.

Begin by taking what we can make available and have that work for the Hive blockchain.

No matter what road you take. Given the estimated returns for a project would be 15 to 20 years for a full return on invested funds. Unless playing markets and stocks. then anything can happen. In general If you are to invest to a business, that business done well.

Option 1. Keep me involved and build a theory.
Option 2. No one is to stop you taking this theory and using it to your own advantage or for the same purposes.

Either way the project needs to start somewhere.
Build the fund on Hive.

My favourite is to vote it up. Voting it up does not give anyone any ownership. The votes are there because there is a belief that this will work.
One method is posting. Doing daily posts to build the revenue fast.
An alternative is to compile the relevant essentials from the posts I put forward in this series.
Resources from the DAO/DHF could also be utilised if a proposal is comprised.

A total of 16 units will be needed. Each 15 units use as generators and one unit to facilitate commercial activity, would be a hub. Each hub will expand itself locally along with the facilities and services it can provide.

Generating the finance for the first unit would take the longest.
Once this unit is running. There us returning purchases of HBD and HIVE.

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A second unit would cost the same as the first unit. This time while building the finance there is additional funding to assist in growth. The HBD and HIVE returning to the chain. This would amount to 6 - 7 % of a unit cost. 2 to 3 weeks a year. The third a shortened time again. I think you get the trend.

A commercial unit will not be needed in each hub. Two or more hubs in the same vicinity will avail of the same services and facilities.

15 units plus one commercial unit sustain the growth of 1 more unit per year at no cost to the chain. This also put a demand for HBD and HIVE.

Once a hub has been formed. Each additional unit of expansion will provide liquidity to the central project. All hubs will do this. Call it a tax. It is in a way. Another way to view is to repay the loan. More than that. To provide the same liquidity to future possible hubs.

At the start of a second hub. Returning values from the initial hub will be used to bolster the second hub. The two hubs will merge resources until a time the second hub has 10 units. During this time a unit would be acquired for each hub alternatively to progress the second hub to a level of slow sustainability.

The second hub will continue with assistance from the blockchain through posting and additional funding if available. On completion of the second hub. Both hubs will pool with the third to bring them all to a parallel. All hubs would equal at 18 units and a shared commercial unit. Call this a cell. Several cell's can utilise the same facilities.

At each stage of this process. A request for funding will be made. The request will show.

What the funding is to be used for. The potential return value for the unit. The total amount of funding. The destination of all of the funding. Through which medium will the funding be moved.

Generating of support from the chain should continue. Past the establishment of one two or three hubs.

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Among yourselves you can discuss. The how much of what goes where to support different agenda's. The focus of the agenda should be improving the attraction of Hive. Using the resources to enable those who could use it.

The initial goal should be to get the first 15+1 running. Then a second started with funding coming from a pooled resource. Pulling resources before you have a complete hub slows the project.

Once three cells have been completed. A hub is independent and should not be in need of any assistance. It should be able to grow and cater to its own needs. The expansion of new units will continue with purpose. Additional commercial units may also be acquired for alternative services.

I view a local shop as the best option to incorporate the most aspects of Hive in to a community. The shop can provide various functions.

Although the rental of the shop to a local retailer would be reduced to enhance the benefits available to the local people. It will provide demand for HBD and HIVE on exchanges. The shop is also encouraged to accept HBD as a payment method. It gains assurance of payment in FIAT when needed from the resources available to the hub.

Too many are of the mind to bring on board loads of bloggers. Bloggers are only one type of user the blockchain can have. It can have spenders too. A reduction to the costs of a retailer enables the retailer to offer a slight discount. This discount can be gained by using HBD as a payment option. Wallet to wallet.

HBD is offered in rebate to any who have rented/leased a unit from the chain. This rebate is to many in a local area. I assure you. Other area's will be requesting a similar thing in their area too.
More details to follow.

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