I shouldn't write this now.
No one there to blame but ye'self.
This is just what I see out there and know I have been guilty of it myself.
So if there is anything in this post you do not like. Let's war it out in the comments.
Do you think corruption in elected positions is acceptable?
Do not confuse that question with does it happen. If it happens or not is not the question. Is it acceptable? If so under what conditions?
So you think your elected government represents you?
Now when you answer this one. When your elected official in office that you voted for. When they decide a new law is needed. Are you asked for your opinion? If not, then you are not represented. You proxied your vote. Electing an official to a government position is abused as a proxy vote by those elected.
Besides Ukraine NATO and USA officials. Who decided to go to war with Russia?
If you are dumb ass piece of work and tell me Russia invaded Ukraine. You already lost the debate. Do due diligence on your research and not just take the lies of mainstream media.
If you do not believe they lie. Do research on the latest investigative research on covid. Mainstream and government along with Pharma, lied and colluded to fleece tax payers and destroy cultures.
Go back to before 2014.
Go back before 1991.
When did the war against Russia by the west begin?
Angels in Russia when comparison is made to the actions from the rest of the world.
For all countries.
All of the political realm are corrupt or turn their head when wrong goes on.
Oh you forgot covid already?
Who will be held accountable for that fiasco.
Who will be held accountable for developing a biological weapon. We know Soros is involved, Fauci, all of pharma. and this all came from the United States. Research that began in United States. Moved to China because safety restrictions. "The research is too dangerous if it got out.
So moved to China where there is less monitoring or care.
Americans funded the development of covid and then released through America a vaccine that done nothing but harm people. Gave no protection whatsoever. The tax payer forced to pay for a vaccine not needed that done more damage.
For how many generation of elected officials has homelessness been an issue. Not one of them in history seems to have got it right.
Homelessness is there as a debating point only. It can be solved. They do not want to solve it. When they do put effort to building new homes. They have a brother in law to fulfil the contract.
The same few families line all the corridors of power. They got that job because someone already there knows them. If your homie is lucky enough to get a position of power, outside of those families. Those others who walk the corridors in paid positions. They will do the work to prevent progress against the agenda in place before their arrival.
Electing Trump, time delay.
Anything done can be undone after.
Trump is changing the wrong things to have any long term impact.
Now, lets look at the protection.
You can see all over the internet now. Cases about enslavement and abuse. Trafficking of people of all ages across all borders with no restrictions.
These are not new stories. These same stories have been told for decades. No one cared then or cares now. Plain and evident by the Epstein saga.
Is it a coincidence?
Pervy Joe US president opened up the border to allow mass illegal undocumented travel across the US border. An action a president should not have the power to do. That is a treasonous act against the welfare of the people.
That this was not called out, both sides of congress and senate turned their heads so not to see.
What they turned their heads on was coach loads of unaccompanied children getting moved around the country. Where are those children now?
Where are all the children that Epstein was involved with. Did these new border crossers replace those lost to Epstein's imprisonment?
And now Diddy too, is this for real. Two high profile people involved in all sorts of drug and trafficking. Who can afford to pay for that kind of thing?
Only people with plenty of money. Money to spend that would never be missed. Epstein and Diddy provided services to who?
Those questions won't get answered. Those who say the names will not remain in the media for long. The same corruption of financial power still pulls the strings.
Those in power do nothing to deter or catch these people. They get donations from the same people. Good enough reason to look the other way.
Just like the war on drugs handed control over drug trafficking to the CIA and they became the biggest dealers globally. Politics says against drugs. The actions are active importation and distribution.
Which branch of the US Gov took over sex trafficking?
Well, there's a few reasons why I think. Control over the purse strings is not what a government should have.
Every penny should be accounted for. If it cannot be done that year for a security reason. It can be done ten years later and accountability held then.
But, Trump won't change anything long term. The same agenda of global control will come back stronger. This will happen and only because Trump did not make changes. He just changed people in a position. It only takes 4 years to change things back.
How fkn stupid does one have to be not to see that.
Gov is a family affair. Your family was not invited to that fair.
Gov does what is best for its family while it holds position. The family gets stronger and will then hold power longer.
Besides Trump. It is not like you have a choice of who goes to the presidency. The best man for the job right now is probably T man. In general though, The best man for the job is never even seen. Because he is not a political figure. He also won't toe the line for a whisper.
The problem comes that it is only time until a bad fruit blossoms in power. How do you defeat that blight when it has a grip on society. Its too bloody late by then to be honest.
Can I say BWO without being a butter. I gave seen Bush say it. Both of them Biden. Obama. They all said a NWO or usher in a NWO.
I strongly feel. The World Order should be determined by all of the people. All of the people should have an equal stake in a global decision. All people should have a choice about what another nation does if it will have impact on other nations.
The reporting of what is happening in all nations can be done here on Hive. I think that should be a paid position and not a monetary reward for posting. This would mean a new front end someone would need to make host and keep an eye on.
This also shows a perfect example of how Hivians will not work together.
Those with power do not like the others with power for whatever stupid reason and will not work together for a better Hive.
Or is it just that this is something they will not have control over?
I have heard all of them complain about one thing or another regarding life and how things are wrong or Hive and what it can do. How what they do is so great.
Can any of you show me one thing Hive has done that is good for everyone. I know ye built a well. How much did ye leave with them for maintenance? You built a bridge. How much was left for paint to keep the bridge in good condition.
Now I am not educated like you. Teachers found me very hard when I schooled. Most preferred me not there. Turns out most teachers do not like questions from the out field.
Now everyone needs to have some education. It does not stop stupid. it is not designed for that. The basics of reading writing and math should be tutored. After that people can learn other things alone. If the information is provided is a reasonable and accessible format.
I would say I have a standard education. Whatever that was back then. Ye need a phd on how to use a phone today before you can get a job.
I think probably the bigger difference between me and you is life. It is not so much I think different. I have seen different. I have also done different. The done and seen give an additional perception.
We won't go to the details. Let us say just my mind can live with doing evil if needed.
Now being nice is not as easy. But it does have a different kind of reward.
But when I look out to the world today. I see nothing but horror masked. I do not mean you or you or you. I mean behind you. The things you are not looking at. The things that just seem like decoration.
When I hear the mainstream. I think zombies. They have to be brainless to be repeating that nonsense.
The truth is. There is enough money behind them. That should they lose. It is merely a tax write off. They can have brainless twits repeating anything they write. Because by midnight there is no accountability. If one is needed. Publish an apology.
You expect something different to emerge from the same process that controls you now. Ha.
If change is not brought about by people from a grassroots level. Change will not happen.
For those of you who think Hive is too small. Then support me and I will do it.
For those who think it cannot be done. Give support or are you afraid I will prove you wrong?
For all the things tried and all of the things done. Which has proven to be the most fruitful for all?
There is all blah blah about decentralised. Boasting that Hive is. Yet Hive being decentralised overall seems to mean fuk all cause it does fuk all. No one knows what to do. Retention this blog that. but always repeat what we tried before that got a boost and then we lost more people than onboarded.
Get me to 300K Euro in Huckleberrie account. By donation or purchase of COLT token. Then I will strengthen the chain. I would guarantee a penny a HIVE to start.#
What other chain will guarantee a penny for a token.
This is doable and increasable.
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