What Side of the Coin Did Hive Fall On?

in #hivelast month

Heads or Tails.

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Does it matter what side of the coin Hive fell on?
Does anyone know what bet was placed on which side?
Is there a winning side?
Which side do you back?

Mentioned before in other posts and chats on discord is a tested theory that can move Hive forward with a strong backbone. It does take time to build and would build across generations. The real benefits are seen by grandchildren of the children around now.

Maybe it is the way I talk, or the words I use when I try to communicate. Or maybe the way people listen.

Nothing I suggest is anything that is not there already. The things suggested already are shown to work in the physical world for industry and private operations.

I have said from the start of this idea also. It is something I cannot do alone that I need others on the chain involved too. It is also something I have put a lot of thought to and discussed and overcome obstacles told to be ahead.

This idea is too big for any single person. Making it manageable by millions of people is the goal. This I think is in line with Hive. A decentralised governance. Hive can demonstrate the power of decentralisation.

Conversation around the idea did take some roots though.
Will those roots get water?

Will we all land heads up or tails up?

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Heads up to me, means something like "Hive has sway".
There is a strength in Hive that comes from no central authority.
It is said that the power of authority on Hive is gaining more balance. There are more people now with higher volumes of HP. More people getting pushed as a witness.

Increasing Hive token trade volumes by taking initiatives now.

Bringing more demand for tokens will maintain value of HIVE token. Possibly increase its value.

The ability to increase the reward pool and rewards system for coders.

Employment of people by the chain to perform daily functions.

Development of support resources.

Just a few things to be considered.

I see the heads up as what is good for the chain and Tails up as what is good for the individual. While I have no issues with people looking out for their best interests. I think the best interests in a strong chain us a strong foundation of support for the chain itself financially.

With the names that took interest in the conversation last week. Maybe some minds will come together and make it happen.

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An outlet. A coffee shop. Cafe snack bar shop. Any of them accepting Hive tokens is a novelty. Not a big part of the business. Many of those type shops are doomed to failure too, inherently. The customer base is not always reliable. The first 6 months are bad indicators of future targets.

Undertaking any kind of outlet. A service that needs manpower daily and other costs to cover will be in the same boat. Accepting Hive tokens is a novelty. For the most part, the tokens will be converted to FIAT to cover expenses. Over time the need to convert all might diminish. The storing of the tokens is not the goal though. It is to have them circulating between many people.

Build first the foundation. This can be done by use a rented property. Each property returns its value after 17.5 to 20 years taxes paid. The average return rate can be brought down at an increasing rate with each additional unit of property.

This begins a decrease in the need for support from the chain. Increasing this return to a higher value than support given, puts the chain in + Equity.

By this time, there is a bit of money floating around. Who holds what position here should be vetted to some degree. These roles would eventually become paid roles and people holding position get an annual amount for there click yes or no on a finance request. Like board members.

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Governance within the project would reflect.
Impact to immediate community.
Not everyone votes on everything. People in Iceland would not vote on what a community in the Netherlands does with its allocated funds.
Release of values through a tiered multi signature.

People holding any authority within the project should have a KYC and an accountability clause for any abuse.

Who flipped the coin?

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Free to play:

Music game: https://www.risingstargame.com?referrer=thehive Rising Star. Discord. https://discord.gg/dbB6Jc7


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Integrated projects:

COLT token @gamesupport @silverquest