From my experience blacks are the worst set of racist they don't knw that cous they don't do it to their other race in fact to some extend I think we do deserve some of the treating(though I don't support killing of other race).
Back to my point in Nigeria where I am from our own set of racism is tribalism yes we categorize a certain tribe due to their ancestors wrong doing maybe sometimes what we hear from our own ancestors and believe it blindly take for instance when an igbo man(a man from south Eastern part of the country) want to do a business transactions with other tribe they be wary of not to get dump caus they say they knw an ibgo man will cheat them...(what the f##k😠😠😠) and yorubas (the southwest part of the country) are knw to be cunny I mean who brought up those theory and the hausa man(northern part of the country) they hate among them self saying when their ancestors had the righteous children and bastard children I mean it doesn't make sense....
Now to Africa as a whole we get xenophobia imagine I just think everyone is entitled to his own personality not generalising it😠 I had to leave with this all my life and the sad facts are even my family member don't share my ideas at all I hope all this get to reduce to the minimal so we can progress at large
Many westerners do not have any idea of tribalism in Africa they are so ignorant they only know what they are being told to believe. In fact, people living in America are very privileged. They now nothing of Shaka Zulu and the Mfecane(The crushing) or the Rwandan genocide.
Yes ooo the struggle we feel