A total of 5,789.24 HBD & 18,341.08 Hive burned in May through @buildawhale burn posts. That is $11,475 total for the month.
Why burn posts?
Burn post give stake holders an alternative way to direct inflation with their stake. All author rewards are burned as well as Hive Engine tokens earned.
There is one daily burn posts with 11 comments, so you can choose to burn as much or little as you want.
Hive Engine Tokens
Most tribes are dead at this point, so it's kind of pointless to even look at what is burned, but Leo is still pretty active.
Burn posts burn a considerable amount of Leo, in fact, in previous months the burn posts were in the top 5 authors on Leo.
While this chart is not a specific time frame (likely a few weeks), it does show where the burn posts (@buildawhale) fall in total Leo rewards. A total of 874.464 Leo was burned in this time frame, which is roughly around $70 every 2-3 weeks.
Yeah, I think you should burn all HIVEs & HBDs and every engine token into my wallet. Because in the end, it's the same thing anyway!
Sure, I don't think anyone will complain (or notice).
Neither one nor the other. I bet no one would notice or complain. But you'll never know if you don't try.
Give it a try, let me know how it goes.
Do you think I'm a magician or what?
You are the one who has to write it and make the adjustments to see how it goes!
You said you wanted to burn all your stuff, not sure how that involves me. I'm already burning a ton of stuff.
Ah brother, don't make me think now that you are ignorant or illiterate. In my first comment it is very clear what I said and what it means. I even made you a drawing.
I think this post should be read by all hive... these 175 words have much deeper information that is important for us to reflect what we want for the blockchain...
That's a pretty big chunk of burn honestly. I was honestly expecting it to be a lot less.
Agreed pretty much every community token is dead. I think it would be interesting to take a look into why that is and what communities could do to increase their token price outside of just exchanging hive for their token.
It was as high as $19k/m but I have powered down half my stake.
@themarkymark I have noticed I am consistently receiving down votes from you where am going wrong am new here
@bpcvoter3, sorry! You need more $BBH to use this command.
The minimum requirement is 1000.0 BBH balance.
More $BBH is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex
lol I'm not a fan of him doing that either.
You are correct and that's not a bad thing.
This is false. It would have no affect on inflation what so ever, or would just forfeit your ability to influence where it goes and your share of curation. The same amount of inflation is printed regardless if you vote, it is just where it goes that changes.