Hivepower Ranks

in #hive5 years ago

How would you name the different Hivepower ranks on Hive so they fit into the #Hive brand? On Steem, they were known as:

  • Plankton (<500 HIVE)
  • Minnow (>=500 HIVE && <5000 HIVE)
  • Dolphin (>=5000 HIVE && <50k HIVE)
  • Orca (>=50k HIVE && < 500k HIVE)
  • Whale (>=500k HIVE)

On top of that, are there even more ranks that could exist? I.e. the top 3 stakeholders or smth else?


well, as far as I understand, some people behind Hive used a great metaphor for the platform - beehive.
So, in this context it makes sense to name the Hivepower ranks based on the social structure of it (3 types of honey bees in the hive):
(something like)
a) workers/worker bees (<5000 HIVE);
b) drones (>=5000 HIVE && < 500k HIVE)
c) queens/kings (>=500k HIVE)

However, to be fair, personally I believe that division/ranks based on different Hivepower doesn't bring much benefits (it (division) may, say, in the army, though).
"Divide and conquer" / "divide and rule" (this is probably the reason why there're so-called women problems, negro problems, while they are just human problems)... Why divide at all?
What about not dividing but just being a Hiver/Hivian, no matter what his/her Hivepower is?

I see Hive as more of Decentralised Social Network. So I would rather rank Hivers according how many other Hivers they’re connected with in meaningful way.

Network = Net-worth

Make it all about bees.

<500 = Larvae
500 - <5000 - Pupae?
5000 - 50k - Worker Bee
50k - > 500k - Queen Bee
500k+ Drama Queens

LOL at drama queens for sure

Hahaha... drama queens

That's a fun topic to think about but it seems hard to come up with anything better. Everyone understands whale in crypto and traditional finance.

In a beehive, there are workers, soldiers, a drone and a queen. Keeping with that theme:

  • Worker (< 500 HIVE)
  • Soldier (>=500 HIVE && <5000 HIVE)
  • Drone (>= 5000 && <50k HIVE)
  • Queen (>= 50k HIVE < 500k HIVE)
  • Beekeeper? (>=500k HIVE)

It doesn't really work. :)

In a beehive, there are workers, soldiers, a drone and a queen.

Wrong, that's only correct for an ant colony. In a bee hive you will find only workers (which, apart from their other tasks, also defend the hive), drones and a queen.

However, there are also eggs, larvae and pupae ... :)

Wrong, that's only correct for an ant colony. In a bee hive you will find only workers (which, apart from their other tasks, also defend the hive), drones and a queen.

I see.

However, there are also eggs, larvae and pupae ... :)


I like this ranking. Maybe HiveMaster instead of Beekeeper?

I prefer Beekeeper because it's in the same domain with the others.

I'd probably just keep it the same, don't these terms have wider meaning in the crypto sphere, at least 'whale' does.

I do think Plankton needs to not be used, aren't the referred to as 'redfish'?

I think the bins are OK.

We did several brainstorming about that when (re)designing HiveBuzz.

The bee ecosystem doesn't work for several reasons:

  • it does not match the well known marine ecosystem used outside of Hive, especially for whales
  • it is role oriented (queen, guards, workers, ...) where the marine ecosystem is weight oriented (amount of tokens)

This is why we have chosen to keep the existing levels (using the more friendly redfish instead of plankton).

It is ok for me like this.

As no one likes to be called plankton in a sea of predators it is better to use 4 classes: bronze-silver-gold-diamond. The amount of hive per level could be as before with all above 50K being diamond.

I really have no idea since the "ranks" are fitting pretty good imo and the term "whale" is well known around the cryptosphere. Additional to this: I don't really care so much about a "rank" because they do not tell how experienced the user is. It only states how big and full the wallet is and how much impact the user has on the system.

I think that @goldrooster's idea is my favourite so far but as I've said: Today I am dolphin, in 13 weeks a plankton and then a dolphin again.

Perhaps there could be just "top X" ranks. That would be way easier to understand.

Had a brief discussion with @brittandjosie about this and we both agreed that the Hive-related terms aren't that nice.

Egg (<500 HIVE)
Larvae (>=500 HIVE & <5000 HIVE)
Pupae (>=5000 HIVE & <50k HIVE)
Worker/Drone (>=50k HIVE & < 500k HIVE)
Queen (>=500k HIVE)

Being called a larvae is.. well..

It’s just groose hihih

Keep them, they're great.

Spawn < Fist Post
BaBee < 100
ScoutBee < 1000
HoneyBee < 50.000
RoyalBee < 500.000

Keep the old categories. It was one of the few things about Steemit that didn’t get broken and need fixing.

What he said! Lol I’d just like a badge of honour on my profile that’s all

Considering we are in an ecosystem called HIVE, we can use BEE's Lifecycle:

  1. Egg (<500 HIVE)
  2. Larva (>=500 HIVE && <5000 HIVE)
  3. Pupa (>=5000 HIVE && <50k HIVE)
  4. Bee (>=50k HIVE && < 500k HIVE)
  5. HoneyBee (>=500k HIVE)

Now HoneyBees are the folks who have lots of Honey (read Money). For that matter, we should call the tokens HONEY instead of HIVE. Also, Orca turning into a completely different organism called whale when they have lots of STEEM is logically absurd. A Bee can turn into a HoneyBee when they have lots of Honey - this sounds more appropriate, don't you think? 😂

On STEEM these ranks were corresponding to the size of the fish.

  1. Plankton (<500 HIVE)
  2. Minnow (>=500 HIVE && <5000 HIVE)
  3. Dolphin (>=5000 HIVE && <50k HIVE)
  4. Orca (>=50k HIVE && < 500k HIVE)
  5. Whale (>=500k HIVE)


I like it the way it is because the term whale is used not only in crypto but in all of finance. We just extrapolated from that, but I do think we should break these up for better gamification. Like a baby whale, or baby Orca etc.

Maybe better would be something like

  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Platinum
  • Diamond

I proposed the same but then noticed gold is more expensive than platinum nowadays ;)

Small fish
Big fish
Bigger fish
Even bigger fish
Biggest fish
Jk... I'd just prefer it remains the same as before. 😁


I wonder if all the whales would like to be called QUEENS!! LOL

We also have the redfish. We have the redfishrally because it sounds better than planktonrally.
I don’t think plankton is used after people arrive they become a redfish . And larve, pop and fly is kinda groose. But it will be hard to change all the names . Maybe status letters so people have a choice ( like A -F ) next to the redfish, Minnow and dolfin

But maybe it’s to late, or to soon for Hive.

Have a great Monday

I would make it


I miss one rank and titties????? Hahahaha we are back ! Which level are we ?

Too rank I leave that up to you B&J I can’t think that high it gives me a nose bleed

I’m still a Britney but working towards getting my titties


Sorry @hivelander :-)

Posted using Dapplr

0-499- larvee
500-4999 - bug
5000-49999 - Big bug 😂
50000-499999 - beta bug
500000 - alpha bug


I think it should stay the same, Hive is already complicated enough and terminology should be similar to bitcoin (At least whale and dolphin)

Good point. Steem also didn't have any obvious relations to marine biology.
Why not stay with established and intuitive nomenclature.

Nice idea... but please no bees and stuff like that.

Baby bee
Teen bee
Yellow bee
Red bee
Whale bee

No one said that this Hive is inhabited by bees :D

I like this one for whale replacement! LOL

I'd like something similar to what @goldrooster said. Bee/insect stuffs might seem neat because they match the chain name but it's cringy from outsider's perspective.

I think it should stay the same.

Honestly, I think it would be a bit of a mistake. The other ranks are easily recognizable, at least for now.

I am still learning and trying to understand how things work with hive

My shameless attempt... inspired from and because I always thought there should be more levels.

Also, and depending on the reputation level (positive or negative...) have two types of classification (similar to light/dark side of the force)

Types of bees (for the light side):

  • (< 100 HIVE) Western (or honeybees)
  • (>= 100 HIVE & < 500 HIVE) Bumblebees
  • (>= 500 HIVE & < 2000 HIVE) Carpenter bees
  • (>= 2000 HIVE & < 5000 HIVE) Mason bees
  • (>= 5000 HIVE & < 20k HIVE) Leafcutter bees
  • (>= 20k HIVE & < 50k HIVE) Blueberry bees
  • (>= 50k HIVE & < 200k HIVE) Squash bees
  • (>= 200k HIVE & < 500k HIVE) Sweat bees
  • (>= 500k HIVE) Queen bees

Types of bees (if you are on the dark side):

  • (< 500 HIVE) Hoverflies
  • (>= 500 HIVE & < 5000 HIVE) Yellow jackets
  • (>= 5000 HIVE & < 50k HIVE) Paper wasps
  • (>= 50k HIVE & < 500k HIVE) Potter wasps
  • (>= 500k HIVE) Hornets

I know... too complicated... but I just wanted to inspire with real knowledge and to kind of show off my idea of reputation dependent classification.

Great info i need it

What do you think about not using ranks?

How's the lockdown going?

into a post.So, I saw @arcange's discussion about the way to approach this, and I saw other observations lying around. I decided to make a synthesis of the information here and also add a bit to my point of view. But it came out super long, so I made it

I think there are some valid points everywhere. This could be talked about very lengthily as it's a really fun topic.

As I said in the post, it'd be funny to see what people create. We could even go for space whale bees and create a crazy lore, but it would all depend on people's creativity.

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Still slowly climbing 😃. Just voted you for witness as I see your support alot on the platform

I feel like there should be quite a few more in-between ranks. For instance, it doesn't make sense to me that someone with 6k and someone with 45k are in the same category. Or even worse, 55k and 450k.

You can fit nearly 10 low level orcas into the highest level orca! Well, same for dolphins etc.

New here and I was wondering the rankings. Thank you!

*<500 = Larvae
500 - 5k = Pupae
5k - 50k = Worker Bee
50k - 500k = Queen Bee I liked @holoz0r idea

500k = Drama Queens*