I've thought about forking Steem back in the day, doing a 1 for 1 airdrop to holders, and making all the changes I wanted. My "vision" but the problem with vision is it's always shortsighted. Hindsight is always 20/20 which gives the false illusion of "know-it-allism" which can be incredibly destructive.
Starting over isn't a good thing, it sucks, it isn't to be taken lightly. It's easy to find yourself in a pattern of starting over, meaning you come down a path where you can no longer impose your will on an idea, think fuck it, and "start a new." But this time, you'll make sure no a-holes mess with your genius master design!
That isn't how it works however, any idea, once set free, grows wings and will do anything and everything. Just ask Dan L, ideas grow their own minds very quickly. Trying to enforce your will continuously on an idea is to bottle air, capture what shouldn't be captured.
No matter who you are, you don't know everything, there are times you are wrong, times your visions were a mirage and if you can't adapt, you die. I can give this example an infinite amount of times over. Bitcoin of today is not the same as described in the white paper. Amazing vision, however, you can only see so far from where you're currently standing, before even fools who further along have great vision than yourself sitting so far in the past.
This is all to say that, no matter what happens, you'll never have exactly what you want. You will have to take into consideration the community, and especially the OG community. I see a lot of people spouting what Hive should do and should be (myself included.) But when I look at the OGs I see a lot of building. That's because the OG's understand there is no "reasoning" there is only building. Build what you want, back it with as much stake as you can, and let the community adopt it or not.
That's why if you're going to start over, it's best to do it with those you started with, those met along the way, those that share a vision & passion, an end goal with endless paths to it.
I've committed to the idea of putting my thoughts and plans into the public eye, let people join the journey if they want or they can utilize Hive for their own stories. If I want things changed on the base layer, I buy more stake, I power up all that I can and I let my tokens do the talking. The only OGs with stake from cheap at the start are the ones that held for 5 years, through bull n bear, and those people are obviously long term hodlers looking to improve Hive. /salute
I've noticed many like to be "protected' - IE they only put in when they know for a fact they will get their idea implemented. "I'll only power up Hive if x happens," etc. I've personally learned these beasts work differently, and if you want your idea, above all else to be implemented, you gotta fight for it with your stake, your words, and your actions.
Hive is only becoming more widely distributed, those who are staking now will have more of a say later. If all goes as planned I'll have a much bigger say than I have now as I keep with my plan to DCA.
Many look to other projects to compare to Hive, but they take for granted what decentralization really means. It's not until shit hits the fan that you know what you're made. These "elite" smart contract platforms of today that seem infallible, will be put to the ultimate test with their premines & centralized points of failure. When something can be attacked, it will, we know all too well the destruction a premine can do.
We had no ICO, no premine, no majority stakeholder. If you want to compare Hive to anything, compare it to Bitcoin in 2011. There was no centralized marketing team, and I'm sure even today most of you can name a few bitcoin OG's that stuck by Bitcoin through thick n thin, didn't ask for permission, and let as many people know as possible of the revolution.
You gotta be excited. people won't follow a negative person.
Almost anyone can stay excited for a few months, few for years, very few until victory. It's the commitment that gives you that edge when the time gets tough.
Do you want direction? From whom? It's hard enough to get two large stakeholders to agree on things, how do you get a giant decentralized community to conform to a "direction or "vision" - Again, people are comparing Hive to centralized projects that have a vision because the foundation/founders had that vision laid out & people just blindly follow. Dan L created this tech back in the day and then dipped out very early on, not even explaining how all the code works, bugs and shit were left, etc. Ned had some vision with the tokenized communities but that guy bailed too and sold us under a bridge to a jackass. This is and always has been a community effort.
Blockchains are made of humans; what is light if there were no eyes?
I look around and I see blockchains constantly trying to figure things out. The problem is a lot of these projects years later still haven't gotten around to doing anything.
People look around at little ol Hive and say well they cant do it. A project like that cant do it. But we do it. Millions of transactions a day we do it.
To end it here I remixed an old Art Williams speech to fit Hive.
Almost everyone does almost enough to win, almost get there, almost over the hump, they almost have it going, they almost in everything they do, almost is a way of life to almost everybody; but the winners do it. what do they do? they do whatever it takes to get the job done. they do it and do it and do it until the job is done.
We need leaders on Hive that can do it.
If you want Hive to become mass adopted, do it.
If you want to build a project on Hive, do it.
If you want a million Hive, do it.
I hear too much talk on Hive, everybody can talk a good game, we need people on Hive who can do it.
I go all over this amazing blockchain and I have people say, Dan, you can count on me! Wonderful, just do it.
Dan, If Hive could get some good marketing it could really make it big! super duper, just do it.
Dan if I could just get support for my idea I could really make it go! do it. But no one is supporting my idea! Do it anyway.
Dan I'm not making any money on my post what do I do? you just do it.
Do what? You do it and do it and do it.
Dan my proposal is finally getting funding, I'm going to build something amazing! great do it.
Dan I want Hive to succeed so bad I can taste it, what I do? You just do it.
Dan I'm a top witness now can I quit doing it? nope.
Dan all I want is for Hive to change the world! well do it then!
Dan I'm hurting I dunno if I can keep on keeping on what I do? You just do it.
Dan I don't feel like I'm ready what do I do? you just do it.
Dan people don't give me no help what I do? you just do it.
What's the primary difference between winners and losers? The winners do it. The winners do it and do it and do it and do it until the job gets done. -
Agreed if you want something done on this chain "DO IT"
We are trying a new approach to some things and some people love and some people love status quo.
Only time will tell if anyone of us are correct but what we are all doing will look different than we can imagine in the future.
One of your best posts.!
It's vvvvvv gud
I want to come up with something to encourage smaller/newer accounts to engage...
Do it, doing it, done it, 3 years :)
And you ARE nspiring smaller accounts like mine every day.... & rippling. I personally think it's the secret invocation of Jean Luc everytime I type !ENGAGE 25 🤣
Posted using Dapplr
I'm glad the EL and misterE are boosting morale and engagement :D Is it a Raspberry ripple? They are awesome!
Okay I will try to do some engaging on here.
I've been looking at a LEO engagement table which only counts comments made using leofinance.io and on my scoring system (same as EL), you are miles clear :)
Doing my best to keep things moving forward.
tokens.@abh12345, I have something in mind that I wanted to do next month via the @HiveBlogShare account (after #HiveBloPoMo and the next #HivePUD are over). While it's not specific to new accounts, it does focus on engagement. I'll shout out on Discord sometime in the next day or so, and see if you might be interested or have further ideas/suggestions. 😊
And I'll see your three aweosmesauce videos and raise you a gif... 🤣
If have to take one thing from this post then
I guess this is where I count myself and some others that fall into the category. I want to help as many people as possible to protect their free speech on a decentralized blockchain, I am hearing you, Dan. Do it!
And that is how it is done!
Keep up the motivation. There is a lot going on with Hive. We will see success and those who persevere will reap the benefits.
Oh Dan...😉
I love these posts of yours. Not because I think most of the things you said here are true but rather because these posts show me that the 3speak token will do well.
You still tout this "decentralize everything" idea and the launch of the 3speak token will show you clearly thats nonsense. Decentralize some things.
If people see you commit to 3speak beyond what youve been doing so far, please, do compare the excitement,attention and hype that project receives compared to HIVE. You know why that will happen? Because you have a vision just like those you mentioned in this post.
Some of them successful, some of them less so.
People recognize and connect with that.
Those that create something here will never care as much about a "community project" (as you call it) like they will care about the project they lead. Their commitment will not be the same. This isnt a comparison, but if communism taught us anything its that people care more about whats "theirs then whats "everyone's".
When theres no one "in charge" in some way, responsibility for action is dissipated between stake holders so everyone does less, or almost nothing.
All of this sounds wonderful for a motivational post but its not actually true. A lot of things differentiate a winner from a loser in this space. Skills, money, their friends, luck, intelligence, their starting point. So many factors.
Telling people "just do it" is a nice slogan for a shoe manufacturer but is hardly helpful because vast majority "cant do it". And you know that.
That is not nice to say, so no one does, but it is in fact true. What is true is that most of us, maybe even you, are sitting in crypto with our bags waiting for those that "cant do it" to come in and make us rich.
Ofc, that positivity if not helpful, still is positive and is why folks like you are more suited for a "community leader" and folks like me are not.
Thats funny though, isnt it... A leader folks will follow while you claim everyone can do what you can.😉
In conclusion id say that you have a much higher chance of convincing more people that 3speak will succeed than you ever could for HIVE.
Its human nature.
Thank you for the article!!! Verne for the hope that she awakened in the readers. You did it!.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I agree to all your points but are we fit for Growth, focused on Growth and positioned for Growth ? The winners do it and do it and do it and do it until the job gets done, but there is a difference between smart winners vs plain winners. Smart winners do it in in less time frame by asking these questions and that helps them to focus on what they should be doing. We are building, but at the same time, we need to evaluate ourselves as well to make sure we are on the right track.

You are right the people that stuck through years of bull/bear, with other tokens soaring isn't an easy thing and deserve props.
You have good points too about winners and losers, and getting things done and just "do it".
So I'd like to say -- I am planning to just "do it" too.
If you're looking for a great ROI hive is most likely not that token(in the near future for many, MANY years if it ever will be that) outside of a random pump and most certain ump.
The world has enough unfocused or decentralized with "no leadership", there's a slay of projects like that, I dont' think it needs more, maybe it does if you're a hard core cyberpunk. But unlike a lot here, I will say "I'm not in it for the tech with my investments" -- no fault if one is like that -- I was once also blinded by the "tech" and decentralization blinders.
People need a narrative, a face. In terms of comparisons to Bitcoin -- it is the OG, it's very hard to have a "community effort" lead to great things and even come to mimic that success is slim to none.
The next pump I will be "winning", assuming it does happen, and moving elsewhere, as it prepares for another 4 year bear market for Hive. Again, this is nothing against Hive per say -- Just that we need leadership, a collective group of people to steer the ship even fi it's a group of Witnesses. But that isn't even happening.
Money has something called "time value" which I know you understand, holding a depressed asset is honorable but it makes you poor investor.
I'm not just "In it for the tech". It's been fun, ready to see myself out the door.
Thanks for your support on Steem/Hive for the years.
I agree with this, next best thing to those who can do it is those who try and I have nothing against those who actually are better and can accomplish things to take my spot in this journey.
Unfortunately there are too many who just talk and on the other spectrum those who just complain/troll.
Claiming our sovereign power and not requiring permission.... it's the beginning of ALL real leadership.
I think 3 of my fav words are commitment, responsibility & unequivocal. ⭐
Posted using Dapplr
Doing it? Of course!
I can attest to that. Our tiny non-profit trying to do good in the world will have been doing it for 20 years, come next year! And we're not about to stop, even though our funding mostly comes out of our own pockets.
That's the learning, though, hard for many people. Other people likely will not share your vision. What's more, they might even want to pick your vision apart because if YOU succeed, it reminds THEM that they are still standing there talking about it after you've succeeded.
Much success to you!
Excellent message, invites a great reflection, but above all a great motivation.
For people like you and thoughts like this, is that I dedicate so many hours a day to Hive, I regret not having the power to save to invest in this company, because now is the time to bet, to get tomorrow the big prize.
Thank you very much for these words. I wish you all the success you deserve.Hello dear friend @theycallmedan good afternoon
It's what I've been saying for quite some time - just do it. Even Nike says it. And Shaia. And many others.
When we do it all together, we can achieve many great things!
Yes, i Will do it!
This message is encouraging for anyone. For the one who has doubts and for the one who is convinced. Well, it's everyone's job. We just have to bet our actions to be able to grow our blockchain.
lol RIP Connery
Good message; heinous toxicity.
HIVE is like an amputee wanting to win a salsa dancing competition.
No amount of "just do it" is going to make that poor bugger be able to even get dressed without OUTSIDE HELP man!
Become truly independent.
Starting from scratch can be hard, something I've done in life time and time again, and a few times with the blockchain.
I am working on building the changes I want to see, but with little stake I often can't support the creators in my project community as much as I'd like, but definitely not in a position to add much skin to the game as we are broke and stranded in Suriname.
However, the value of a dollar is different to everyone, and if we can get out of here one day, we could relocate to a cheaper country where Hive could actually provide for us while we also have some honey to leave in the Hive sort of speak.
Dan I just...oh fick it...I'll just do it.
There is so much Hive has to offer almost anyone. all people have to do is reach out do it and take it. As for my part on Hive I like reading, viewing and commenting I just do it. And I will get to 10,000 Hive one day, hopefully by my 4th year anniversary on the block chain if not before then.
Do it .
Hey man. There’s the Fonz
We have been operating for two years and we have an active witness for six months. We have never received any support or collaboration proposals from large players. The problem with hive is that only the ideas of "few" are pushed. I recently reopened steem, to see what was happening on the other side... and I saw, that support for new and small projects is more present and consistent. Honestly right after the fork we were convinced that Hive was the right way to open a witness and start a new experience. But we never thought we would find ourselves worse than on Steem
Most Hive whales are making a fortune with Curation on Steemit.
Money drives people.
Big money is made with long term thinking.
Yep. And diversification.
Last I checked Steem is still centralized. Wrong to compare it to Hive in anyway.
strong response, one that makes me change my mind
We did Huobi to enable HIVE deposit and Withdrawal.
We did coinmaketcap.com to remove misleading HIVE market price.
I’m gonna focus only on HIVETwitter to bring few millionaire investors to HIVE. Even if we get one good investor, it will be game changer for our HIVE
Ps. We need to get Dan Larimer back working with HIVE.
Halo Freund, bist du Sera?
Dam right.
Far too many sit around spamming all day saying someone should go do this or that.
Cryptocurrency is so early enough even if you lack the skills, and the understanding of how to do something today there more than enough time to learn and gain that understanding.
I started this year knowing next to nothing about making a game. 11 months in I’m working on my 17th zone. It does not matter I can’t answer every question or have a solution to every problem I’m going run into. I’m working on it 1 day at a time till 4 or 5 in the morning more times than not.
People should come up with their own battle plan, write out some smaller goals to achieving what they want and go for it. Stuff takes time and the sooner your start the closer you will be to finishing.
Make content on Hive to money and we have a big demand each month for tokens. I write a lot on Twitter and some on hive on it. Maybe you like the idea too.
The tech behind doesn't matter its second layer or onchain, it would bring us cash in +
All readers ( not users) can pay this way for the content. Also with higher token price + advertisement earnings, we can compete with 2.0 earnings ( maybe better) and all the big comes from alone :)
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You are right, we should start to act instead of always waiting for others to act. I believe what is most lacking here on hive are comments, so I will start commenting more and more.
Have you ever imagined someone visiting the hive and seeing posts with 500 comments.
Just Do it. Moral Booster and Motivating.
Hola @theycallmedan, me encantó tu publicación, el crecimiento de nosotros acá depende de lo que decidimos publicar o crear, solo debemos seguir trabajando y seguir haciendo todas esas cosas que se nos viene a la mente como proyecto. Por eso apoyo cuando dices : Hazlo, hazlo, hazlo, es solo eso. Confío mucho en Hive y creo que si todos unieramos ideas productivas que hicieran crecer más la plataforma, entonces creceriamos más nosotros como usuarios. Un abrazo y saludos con cariño desde Venezuela. 😘
I will definitely do it.
Each step is difficult, each movement is complicated, each thought is a doubt, but the path is only one and looking ahead is the goal.
I come from several platforms based on the blockchain and I chose HIVE as my last entry pass, but when I uploaded my first video to the platform I realized that I am here for something different from what I came and I got the way and place to express what I feel freely and if something extra perfect comes out of that, if not, it doesn't matter.
I'll just do it and go.
I got good information a lot
Lol I have a serious I’m too busy doing it and now Shia Labouf is all stuck in my head