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RE: Taking a Look Back To See How Far We've Come

in #hive4 years ago

Right now it is a bit scattered, efforts to consolidate coding work is ongoing. it is far from just a dream, real work and funding are going into building all of the things needed to fulfill the original vision of this post.

I think the DAO will mature and will be more widely used. But right now some of us investors are just self-funding these efforts to expedite them.


Sounds really good. I think if we have "one leader proposals" in DAO that sell a project to the community ( SMts, massaging, or whatever), the project leader also can hire from the community to realize it.

This should work much smoother.

@theycallmedan what do you think will be the hive token in the future of this blockchain? I would love to see more ways to use it.

Bro who's working on that massaging?
I need my feet attended to dang I'm hyped!
