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RE: LOL. Imagine coming to this turd chain when the split happened to join the criminals and losers who support criminals.

in #hive4 years ago

Lol I havent been on Steem since Hive was born. No idea what you're talking about. I have no time for scam coins, Steem will implode either by the law or it's own centralized greed without my help.


Definitely you, bud. Nice try, femboy fuck.
Only scam coin is Hive, where the thieves, thugs, fraudsters, and incels live. :)
Hive is a fucking joke coin used to shelter criminals like berniesanders. You're a fucking joke. :)
Steem will be the one to survive if anything, because this community is dog shit over here. :D


It's no coincidence your name is linked to the account, dipshit.

INB4 - "tHaT jUsT mEaNs ThEy ArE uSiNg Me As A pRoXy To VoTe FoR tHeM, iT dOeSn'T mEaN tHaT's Me."

Oh, no, it's you, in all your pathetic, pussy, salty, anger and rage. :) You're watching the steem price soar while your joke coin plummets and gets cashed out by people like berniesanders and his alts and you hate yourself for it so you're lashing out. I love watching little bitches like you rage. It makes me smile. :)

Keep being salty and mad and raging out by commissioning flagging bots. <3 It's nice to get attention from an invalid every now and then, so I welcome your presence. :) Just makes me laugh harder looking at the value of your stake in comparison to mine, across account clusters. :) You're a joke just like hive, so you're right where you belong! :D

"They" call you Dan. I call you pussy.

I don’t know how I came across this old post but wow talk about not aging well 🙃
