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RE: The Downside of Downvotes

in #hive4 years ago

the comments at hbd.funder. If they're reward sniping over there, then we can sit back and see if smooth thinks that their stake only has merit when upvoting spam.You know what; This is why I invited people like @haejin and @ranchorelaxo to go and support

And the hilarious part about it is that's what caused them to stop posting to the chain in the first place. Guy made content that was meaningful to him. It may look a little spammy at first glance, but I went on youtube and discovered that he makes in-depth 5-minute long videos about the charts that he examines.

So although it may have looked like spam, it had meaning to him. And he was using his stake to upvote himself. I never had a problem with seeing his rewards because he was doing it with his stake. In the same way, I don't have a problem with values listed on hbd.funder's spam comments.

But the sheer hypocrisy of Smooth downvoting content just because Haejin upvoted it is infuriating, especially when he has the gall to reward snipe daily on spam comments to the tune of 500 HIVE. He even admitted as much that the merit of the program is somewhat unquantifiable. It's despicable, and I encourage you to pull the whale dong out of your mouth long enough to look into it.

I know you think you have a gotcha moment with me when you question whether I complain about heavy votes I get. Why on earth would I complain about that? And why would I do a little dance? My writing is my dance, and the vote is the appreciation. I've spent years on HIVE perfecting my craft and putting a whole lot more in than I got out of it, and you're asking me to look a gift horse in the mouth?

Something is wrong with you, man. This place has fried your wires upstairs. I think you think you have good intentions and all, but don't make the mistake of bringing any of your HIVE behavior into the streets.

I can see it now; Steevc is running amok in the UK or wherever the fuck, snatching up tips from waitresses and money from buskers. And then when they complain (before you burn their money.) You say to them: Did you complain after you got this tip, or did you do a little dance and enjoy it? When's the last time you complained about getting an upvote? Put the link in here right now, show me all about your bassackwards "virtues," and it better not be edited. If it is, I won't believe you.


If you are going to be abusive I'm done with you. I have plenty of friends here to talk to.

Don't take it personally, man. I can get pretty torqued off when people play head games while trying to defend those who abuse the downvote mechanics for obvious political reasons. It's probably nothing against you per se. So, don't let it ruin your day. Also, I do understand that my last comment, even if the whale dong were ommitted, may have been too much for you to process on a Wednesday night. That said, enjoy your evening and try and set aside the little bit of ribbing you got from a stranger on the internet. It's just some shit talk, not like I'm messing with your money or something like that. However, the really clever bit here is how you managed to come away as the victim in a downvote abuse thread where you were never flagged. That's very virtue of you, good Sir.