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RE: Nothing to see here move it along (Post will be reposted tomorrow) Please don't vote.

in #hive14 days ago (edited)

You use post scheduling or do you post manually ?

I sometimes get done writing, but feel like it's a bad time to post, so I schedule it for a few hours later.



Manually, I thought about post scheduling and writing up a handful of blogs in one day but haven't implemented it yet. My blunder here was I hit Post before adding Comment Rewarder as beneficiary after advertising that I did so in my post. I'm just happy I spotted the error before a bunch of Hivens noticed the initial header and comments flooded in or I would of had to do some calculations and allot of manual transfers. I'll repost the intended blog post it in a day or two with the initial offering.

I sometimes get done writing, but feel like it's a bad time to post, so I schedule it for a few hours later.

Smart move, certain times of day or even days themselves can yield different results.