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RE: The Brit List - September 2021

in #hive3 years ago (edited)

I’m complaining about the down voters, not the whole of hive, the downvoters are ruining what could be great. The downvoters have given me nothing only taken! I guarantee they never gave me an upvote of any worth... go check! And they regularly get huge upvotes themselves on average posts. One guy reverse psychology or something I even met him in real life he gives some of my posts 17 c but then just down voted two of them 5 dollars each. Sorry it’s negative energy, puts out negative feelings and I want nothing to do with anyone that partakes.


I downvoted them because I thought they were over-rewarded, the upvotes were because of a trail I follow, you're welcome to them.

Powering up and Voting/ Downvoting really are the purest act of Benevolence on Hive BTW - Rather than short term cashing out a very few of us have settled for what is a less than optimal 10% return on curation because we believe in fundamentals of the platform.

And we use our HP to benefit large numbers of people (while losing out financially ourselves because we could have made A LOT MORE trading our Hive for something else).

And DVing is an important part of making sure rewards are distributed as widely as possible.

If you get Dvd it's true that you get slightly fewer rewards, but don't worry, that means more more for everyone else, so from the holistic perspective of the system, it's still a win.

And whenever you're DVd by a larger stake holder, they are really wrapping you in the shroud of their own benevolence - your post is still visible but the rewards are gifted to someone else, by those who have themselves sacrificed their own greater gains by keeping Hive powered up.

It's sort of like they power up so you don't have to, which I notice you don't very much.

Maybe appreciate that you are making a lot more from multiple posts per day (plus less on Steemit and Blurt) than most people make. It seems some big accounts like you and may not even comment to say why.

Those who downvote you may just think some of your posts make more than they should. That is their right as stakeholders. They are likely to be giving votes to others and not just the select few.

Complaining about something that pays you so well seems wrong to me. It's not 'negative energy, it's economics. You make more, others get less. I appreciate you need income, but nobody is entitled to Hive rewards.

I am not going to downvote you, but constant complaining is not a good look. Are you one of those who refuses to promote Hive because some people get downvoted? You have the option to leave if you don't like it. Your choice. I will just get on with what I do and that will include downvoting abuse.

They also might think that 5 posts in one day is just plain old milking. The rewards pool is for everyone.

Exactly. Many of us could exploit auto-votes much more. I feel around one post per day is enough from me.

Totally. It just looks like exploiting.

She won't see my comment though as she muted me for downvoting her 5th post in one day. :0)

She refuses to get it. I have met her and I understand she's an artist trying to make a living, but Hive does not owe her a living. Her impressions of how the whales operate are mistaken. Some of them are malicious, but most care about Hive. I expect you've had your share of downvotes.


I have had a fair amount. Some proper biggies too.

I can tell she doesn't get it. This cry for no downvotes from a few shows no awareness of how things work. They just don't understand is not yours till it's yours. I got that in the first couple of months I was here!

Funnily enough I doubt there is any big conspiracy against her, but continual whining may get the wrong sort of attention.

I’m not talking about the great people here and the supportive people that I’ve worked hard to connect with. I’m talking about the people who have nothing positive to do with their time than take away from people and create a negative energy. It’s no fun getting your first big payout in ages and waiting to see if it’ll ever get to the rewards section. No one can find any stability or trust here whilst this continues. How can anyone invest time and money when that happens? I had a good run and actually stated rly investing time here, I was travelling so I could almost work full time on posts and I then as soon as yoh get a down vote or have to check constantly to see if it’s goint to make payment after getting all excited it’s a mind f. Imagine if every week your payment check could be taken away from so you didn’t ever know how much would be removed each month. How can you expect any creatives to exist like that if this becomes a decent part of their income. Of course it’s in the site rules but I know for one of they remove the ability to downvote I would actually invest money in this site and really go for it in terms of creating.

Downvotes are a necessary part of Hive. Live with that and the fact that rewards are not settled until payout.

You are investing time and getting paid. Absolutes like

No one can find any stability or trust here

are blatantly untrue. A small minority get downvotes and pissing off those who care about Hive does you no favours.

As for 'take them to court'. No need, we just remove the plagiarists' ill-gotten rewards. Can you imagine what it would cost to track them down and pay legal costs?

Enjoy your rewards.

Down voting genuine spam like repetition of posts all the time and plagerism is a bit different but even then if someoen does plagerise you can take them to court.