There is nothing wrong with having posts of 100 dollars that’s about £40. Why on earth should we cap peoples earning potential. The drive to be able to do well and be rewarded for content is what drives people. Many of my posts are about £3. I was putting in almost full time effort to earn that. I doubt you would even go to work for an average of £25 a day. People want to feel they can evolve and grow not be capped.
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Nobody should take Hive rewards for granted. As I have said before you are getting a share of the daily rewards and most make less than you. It should not be compared with a salaried job. Totally different economics.
Thats because you have a highly paid salary job. Most creatives are freelancers and at the least use this as a boost. If your spending hours a day on engaging, often using materials to make things, creating, making content and your building something then it absolutely does become a part of your income you come to rely on. It’s an absolutely awful energy to get excited when you achieve a highly paid post and then at the last minute get it down voted because someone doesn’t like you or your opinion. In My opinion it creates a horrible energy, now if you get a well paid post there is no excitement only anxiety.
So you keep saying. How many times did you lose more than half your rewards? Probably less than the number of replies to me today. I've had all my rewards for a week wiped out before, but my 'positive energy' with the community got me most of it back. I do not take my rewards for granted and my 'highly paid salary job' has bugger all to do with my attitude to Hive.
Well that’s also not cool that someone did that to you. That’s why I don’t retaliate or join in because it’s just a stupid game no one can win. It’s not fair you got a weeks worth of posts taken to zero for an opinion. I would support you and speak out for you if you wernt a fan of down voting yourself. There is no way you felt positivity when that happened or it made you feel good and joyful. Down voting makes people feel negative. It’s even worse when you don’t have a highly paid full time job.
Actually I felt really positive because people supported me and backed me up for taking a stand against a serial abuser who was taking $1000s/week from the platform. I have pointed out the issues, but constant complaining will wear people down and not earn you friends.
I'm off to feed the peakcocks and sit on my gold throne earned from my 'highly paid job'.
You deserve your highly paid job because you no doubt worked hard through life to achieve it. I am just saying of course someone with a high fixed income who maybe got paid in full over coronavirus won’t be able to understand someone on the edge and how it’s a very different energy for them to see a post go down in value.
I’m not even saying that’s me. Hive was rly rly useful to me over that time tho but for others it was an absolute life line between homeless and a roof. Only they can understand the feelings of then thinking they will be ok and then not within the space of 5 days. That type of energy can drive people to suicide.
It has a lot to do with your attitude to hive. Anyone with a fixed highly paid job has a good level of security. Freelancers wages bounce all over the place as it is and a big payout can sometimes keep a roof over their head on a bad month. Especially after having no jobs over covid. Of course it’s different than someone who has a very stable life and job outside, I’m sure they are mentally affected less easily by downvotes.
Honestly how would you feel if your pay check for your job could be taken away last minute if anyone in your office decided they didn’t like you, you got too much money, you got more than them or you expressed an opinion one of them didn’t like. How would you feel if some months you earnt nothing at all from your job? If hive rly wants to attract super invested bloggers it has to have some form of stability as you evolve and grow and build your page.
It has been like that from the start, yet you are still here four years on. You must enjoy the rewards you do get.
I said that I love the idea behind the platforms that you can earn from content creation, find more freedom, build communities. I honestly only came to hive as most people and communities I followed moved here and it’s the people and cross support that makes anything. I prefer the layout of blurt though if everyone moved there I would love it even more as then there is all the people, energy, cross support and no negativity. Or if hive removed the capacitY to downvote so easily that would also be amazing to me. That’s why I don’t leave hive because I’ve spent four years building friendships, connections and cross support networks here that I’m not goint to let a few people ruin. At one point I was on the verge but I realised how much time I had spent building these connections. At the end of the day I don’t support or agree with down voting. I think it sucks, I think it’s negative and I think it makes people feel bad and not trust the platform. I should be entitled to have that opinion without being ‘punished’. If you love downvoting that’s your opinion. I can just choose to try and not cross paths with those who engage in it and work on building like minded connedtions. It shouldn’t be ‘ if you don’t support down voting’ your an ungrateful person who should be downvoted lol: to me thars everything wrong that you can’t question anything or have an opinion without this attitude.