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RE: Call To Action - Twitter

in #hive5 years ago

The story is epic and I think would make a great tv series. Its got everything a producer would want. Big drama started by greed. That leads into a hostile takeover complete with restrictions of peoples freedoms. Then leads into a full on revolution ending in an epic battle that gives birth to something bigger and better that there is, literally no end in sight for what it can achieve. It is a true story that should be in every history book.
While I wasnt around to witness it first hand, my hats are off to those who did and endured through it all. You were the ones who fought to get it back and you ended up giving it us. I hope we fight as hard to keep it. Because there will always be more like Justin Son. Greed corrupts all eventually. But the conviction of those who have tasted freedom, thats a different story.


Only part is seems to be missing in MASSIVE proportions is the EFFORTS of the community at large. Sad, but not at all surprising!