
Hey that gives me an idea as I'm definately not the best blogger around, but I do like reading when my kids are busy or asleep and I always spot mistakes - I could read all yours over time and let you know if I spot any .. maybe I could even start a proof reading page on hive unless there is one already ..

Oh, that's a creative idea! I don't know what your background is in regards to writing but I'm sure there are a variety of ways to inspire others to upvote or tip you for helping their writing. Maybe make some posts offering the service and see how people respond.

Hey Ura thanks for the positive reply, alas I'm definately not the best writer, but I'm a pretty good reader and yes I will attempt making some posts as you suggest, which by the way is also a great idea.. I actually attemtped to start a Proof community but they wanted 3 Hive. but maybe something for the future to look at.

dodgy_links.jpg Besides that my main reason for my reply is I'd like to make you aware that I also click most banners on blogs and whilst on your page the one I mention yesterday, I got a bit of a surprise when I clicked the "Steem Ocean" banners .. I've added a picture below of the banners I mean ..go check them out as I'm sure the links were not meant to land on the dodgy website they did, I think the site has change and your links need updating.. Thanks again Ura for the encouragement Paul..

Oh wow, ok, thanks for that. Steem ocean was a blockchain app I created for Steem but stopped running when I left steem. It seems someone is trying to capitalise on the links that were built up on steem. Going through 1000s of posts to edit the links would take some time. I'll see if there's a shortcut!

Glad you seen them if you need any help I'm always available.
I'm not after anything I just like helping people if I can .. Paul