The points you are making here are all valid and are ones that can and should be addressed through community collaboration - but doing that requires those with minimal stake to be rewarded for doing so and for those with more stake to be willing to use it.
I think some large stakeholders want the power they get from the HP but without the responsibility it gives them for improving the system. The bottom line is that without large stakeholders who are oriented to product design/development, we will mostly just get decisions that benefit only short term gains for them. There absolutely are some larger stakeholder with system development in mind, but there is a gap between that and the reality of what the product requires in order to thrive.
At present it is mostly the layer 2 projects that seem likely to improve onboarding but we aren't quite there yet. Alternatively, the community can work together with a shared vision to systematically identify and solve the problems - with stakeholders rewarding them along the way. Presently we lack coherence and focus as a group to achieve this and so it isn't really happening.