While I am worried about Upbit this was reason I thought to check if i have some Steem left lol - some good old guys there that suffered - interface has not changed and the look is a bit web2 like.
Interesting on comics
We have lots of comics on Hive that I enjoy. Some Hivers even get theirs printed. @arseniclullaby has a lot of experience of that industry and gives some insight into issues with how comics get distributed.
Did you see what @bravetofu was doing related to SPL comics? I like that.
Re @risingstar2 - I stopped long ago and thought I would login again to see if the game still exists - but I was not able to login anymore. Still same drivers behind this?
I have no Steem, so don't care about that thing.
I'd not seen that comic. I have mixed feelings about 'AI' generated art. I can see it used as part of the process rather than having it do everything. We need some human creativity involved.
Rising Star should work via Keychain. If not then ask on their Discord. I keep playing it and there are various different ways to play with seasonal challenges. I am very much a casual gamer.
True on AI general - his post here: https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@bravetofu/making-a-splinterlands-comic-book-with-ai#@uwelang/re-bravetofu-spsaye
Risoingstar - i logged in via keychain but seems am not listed as player anymore.
Steem - I found some good old buddies there I miss on Hive - some of them been punished for nothing - but life is life.
We both know that some people hold grudges and will not forgive previous behaviour. There are people 'over there' who I would love to see on Hive, but they may feel that is not viable. We do have to avoid driving others away. I'm just glad that you are still here despite what you have been through. It tends to just be a few people who really cause the problems.