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RE: Why Downvotes Contradict Decentralization - A Mathematical Perspective

in #hive4 months ago

So, as you see he's not refusing to see anything, and you have disparaged and mischaracterized him in the teeth of the many and myriad points he responds with. I have observed you consider yourself to be thoughtful and a beknighted bulwark against disinformation, you so intend to be, you have believed. But days now have passed, and the many piercing points to your prior conception letting lucid light leak in to illuminate your understanding are left unaddressed. Perhaps I was wrong. I often am.

I humbly submit you are hoist on your own petard, yourself refusing to see many facets of what you have said was far simpler, and that you had clarity regarding, but has been revealed to you as inadequately limited and ignoring blatant harm, previously dismissed as unavoidable. Confronted with proof he is wrong, an honest man changes his mind. Zealots must never change their minds, but must disavow, disregard, and declaim any factual information that disproves their beliefs so they can remain faithful to their chosen narrative regardless of the facts. Machiavellian manipulators intent on deceiving double down to continue to delude their prey, devoted to raking in the profits of duplicity despite any and every harm, perhaps even reveling in their malevolence.

I haven't thought you believe yourself either of the latter. Many times you have shown an even devout interest in societal benevolence, a sincere dedication to blessing our community by undertaking even difficult actions, displaying disinterest in your own ease and comfort. You are granted the boon of fresh information here, an opportunity that has gained you greater and more sophisticated understanding that potentiates increasing the benefits your community can enjoy from your contributions. Careful consideration of this information is necessary to fully grasp the nuance of import in the variety of impacts on Hive, forthright speech, and economic consequences, the pros and cons of acting to intervene and not acting to intervene portend. The substantial answer to your misunderstanding and mischaracterization given far exceeds what your brusque ire merited, at least IMHO.

Are you a man that merits such undeserved attention and generosity? You will judge yourself. I have witnessed your sincerity and thought to tickle your considerer, because no response to such substantial discussion is beneath whom I suspect you believe you are. Dismissing such a portential litany tells you things about you I wouldn't have thought you would be satisfied with. You do you, as you will, and I will leave you to it now. Whether you might disagree for good reasons or prefer more time to wrangle the matter behooves a response to the good faith effort awarded you. None loudly speaks disrepect, of your integrity foremost.

What comes out of us is what is in us. No answer is a detailed discourse on your forthright estimation of you, and I will thankfully receive that sincere representation should that be spoken by your silence.