Hi you! How are you doing? I hope you are staying healthy and happy in these times!
And, yesh, it is very nice to see you here as well, @berien <3 !
Hi you! How are you doing? I hope you are staying healthy and happy in these times!
And, yesh, it is very nice to see you here as well, @berien <3 !
Healthy for now :)
I wish the same for you ;)
Many internet malfunctions since a few months, so not really active online. I just try to stay up to date with rapid bursts of activity between two outages :D This lasts since... October, november ? :D
No big deal in itself, but due to this, I couldn't stay in touch with many people since end of year. If I'm not mistaken about where you're from (Australia ?), your own country has know a bunch of dark events since then. I hope you weren't impacted too badly by these.
I wish you the best in these weird, but somewhat interesting, times :)
(presses 'reply' button and wishes his modem connection will stay alive alive :D)