Maybe one solution would be to change the curation calculation and remove the ordering of the votes entirely, so that it does not make a difference when you vote for content. Bots would not have a time advantage any more, on the other hand users would not be incentivized for being the first ones to discover new content. Or some mixed system, by reducing the importance of the ordering and also incentivizing late manual voting.
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But maybe that would actually be a good thing. Why being first?
Right now a post that 2-4 days old is basically invisible and dismissed. Without the pressure to be first, the very same 2-4 days old post could actually still have a chance to be discovered.
I would love to see a random channel as the primary channel of posts. This gives more or less equal chance for a post to be discovered. Am being vocal about this various times in the past three years; Unfortunately none of the developers adopted this in their frontends.
You can sort the posts by time, which sort of gives you a random channel of posts:
I know, but this is not the random we need. We need random across some time period. Maybe 7 days? This allows ‘older’ post to be discovered before they reached payout close time. Added to that, all blog interfaces sets Trending channel as primary channel. Back in the days SteemHunt experimented with the prime channel being random and loved it when they did that.