# Virtualgrowth as a token seeking the "virtualgrowth" of itself...
image source/credit: unimelb.edu.au
The word "token" traces back to and from a meaning of "signs". While the value transverses another form of signs. All the while appearing as other signs created by the observers of the creating signs ...
Commencing a game of tokens. To be shared over time, although time not exist. If only one may understand the moment of perception. That in which creates the creation of the observer. In the single moment. While everything perceives it's own time, which it does not own, owning nothing, in relation to its creations. Sometimes sharing connections that may be recognized by some memory of another present, although perceived as a past creation of another.
May one then possibly understand the path of the value. For if one may, that one may. That one may follow the path with more. With more of whatever that one creates. That one creates in relation. In relation to another, and in time that not exist, but of self, or shared perception. Not knowing distance and speed at the same time, or rather moment. As moment is that of the moment. That all may agree on the similar, or sometimes different moment(s).
One is a token on the hive blockchain, or rather side chain of the hive blockchain. Another shall be on the ethereum blockchain, or rather the sidechain with token known as Matic / Polygon.
Simply as a token that may be whatever it may be. For it is just a sign. Resulting of thought. Powered by force of two. One of the one. The other of the other one. For you may understand one better than another one. Go with the one you understand. For one may find more value in that one.
Let the games begin .......
I think it's time for us to reconnect Brother