Supporting this proposal should be a no-brainer for anyone who understands the importance of market visibility.
While @lordbutterfly lacks communication skills at times. I absolutely think he is trustworthy and has done excellent prep work on this proposal.
Thank you for the support. Voting this regardless of our past shows character, but I cannot back down from what I said in the past regarding your actions or chalk it up to my "lack of communication skills". I think my communication skills are fairly decent. 😄
What I can say is that I hope you will change your ways, earn a sort of redemption with the community because I have always felt, and that has not changed, that you have very useful skills that HIVE would benefit from.
I don't care what you say about me. I'm not seeking your approval for my views.
I do think you are trustworthy and this proposal would greatly benefit Hive. I hope you have success getting it approved.