
Okay so naked retaliation, since what you downvoted had no rewards at all. That's super smart in this instance, or something.

Well actually it did, and still does. But that wasn't the point anyway.

It does now because I hit it with a small self-upvote (which I normally never do) after the downvote to keep it from getting buried. Anyway, such is life.

Well, the downvote was better than typing "I frown in your general direction." :) I think we will both be okay

Tyrant mindsets are not interested in changing anything, they just want submission.
Silencing discussion enables the tyrants continued power. (it doesn't make their penises any bigger though...bless.)

All these Free Market principles around here! :)

lolololol - Stalin would be envious of this place...

The free market of the penis!