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RE: 1500+ Hive En juego sólo por comprometer a tus seguidores - ¡Únete a la Operación #Ping! ☄️

in #hive3 years ago

We have been through this plenty of times Reese. You know as well as I do that I signed up for a Hive account NOT a discord account.

This is not something you can easily side-step and sluff-off in an effort to obfuscate the truth of what is really going on here.

Everything that happens on the blockchain stays on the blockchain for all to see and determine for themselves what is justifiable and what is just a plain example of ignorance (and what else I wonder?) at "work".

Are you not in charge of the @HiveWatcher account and it's operations? Does that not mean that speaking to you directly is "good enough" at least from a professional stand point?

If you want to hold people to your "high standards" you are going to have to stop the sideways movement and speak directly with me right here and right now.

This is supposed to be a decentralized blockchain solution. The next step in social that moves us away from the centralized Facebooks and Twitter's of the world. Why then do you want me to appeal (off chain) to you (or whoever works for you)?

And are you really in the business of canceling out the communication between different language groups on this blockchain?

Are you really going to chase away and punish legitimate and paid for translation work rather than reward them for bringing the owners and international communities of Hive together around a common cause that crosses nation state boarders and boundaries?

Reese. Engagement is what makes this blockchain "of the people and for the people." Do you really want to be the person standing in the way of all these people who want to connect irrespective of where they are from and what language they speak?

You have really got to ask yourself... Is what I am doing on this blockchain really making it better and stronger? or am I responsible (at least in part) for the lack of authentic and real engagement on this blockchain.

This, I believe, is an example of over policing the blockchain... and could very well be a major contributing reason for why engagement on this blockchain sits at just a little over 3 comments (bots included) per. post.

Please consider well what your next statement is... as this will be public on this blockchain for all to see.


I know very well that you have a Discord account. Either way, I can't say anything here. I'm not the person you're looking for. I have partners who do the bulk of the work at HW while I'm tied up.

I do indeed have a Discord account but that does not mean that this is the way that these matters of difference should be resolved. My Discord account is my Discord account. My Hive account is my Hive account. Those are two completely separate methods of communication and I use those means of communication for my purposes and in different ways altogether. I will reiterate. Matters on Hive will be dealt with ON Hive. If you can not capitulate it is not my fault that your procedures are backward in this way. This is now a public matter and I am holding you responsible. It is all to easy to fall behind "your partners" on matters of dispute, policy, and procedure. Please come clean and discuss this openly with me Reese. And don't give me the "I'm to busy" routine. That's as old as upper management it's self. Come right down here with me and the people of this blockchain... And let's talk about this rationally man to man.

No matter what I can't process this matter here and that's primarily because I'm not the person you're actually looking for. I deal with phishing or some of our higher risk abusers. I don't process reports of copy/paste. By the comments you received from the main account we all know why, and that's because the same post was republished. That's in scope for obvious reasons. You're not on Spaminator. I know you're going to want to talk it out with me but like I said, that doesn't go anywhere. No one at HW can do anything without following procedure, particularly on something that wasn't their work in the first place.


Then it's time to get the person who has flagged these genuinely (and paid for) translations in here where the actual flagging took place. Processing matters off chain only leaves room for abuse of a centralized nature... and that is just bad policy for every owner of the blockchain for @HiveWatchers to continue to work from the shadows in an unaccountable way like this.

I would have you know that NONE of these posts have been copied and pasted from the original. They were all authentically translated and seeing as we are all responsible owners here on this blockchain... I don't see why I suddenly need to answer to the likes of @HiveWatchers (off chain) just because I wanted to reach a wider audience.

I don't like to be shuffled around like this Reese. It's a very bad practice and reflects poorly on you and @HiveWatchers.

Your the main organizer for this (what ever it is) and so I am still holding you responsible in this matter. If you don't think that you can handle this (as it's not your "business" to do so) then please speak with your associate and have them communicate with me right here.

I don't care if "this isn't your policy or practice". This is not an honest way to handle issues of Hive integrity and trust on the blockchain. By moving things off to the sides you are only creating a hostile, unfriendly, and untrustworthy social environment for EVERYONE.

If someone has truly infringed UPon this blockchains integrity.... wouldn't it make far more sense to deal with those issues on chain so that everyone knows exactly what's what about each and every "issue" that arises on the blockchain? These sorts of matters should always be open for the Hive Community (in general) to decide UPon. It (might) be UP to you and @HiveWatchers to present your case... But if this isn't done in a way that is open and transparent you are only flying in the face of every person attempting to make this blockchain their social home.

just like the last time.I am not going to continue to talk about "how practices need to adjust and change" with the @HiveWatchers "service"... But I'll have you know. THIS IS VERY UNPROFESSIONAL IN EVERY WAY...

I believe this way of dealing with things that happen on the blockchain are very bad for social and authentic engagement on this blockchain and I am not going to feed into it.

Please rectify this immediately.


Please submit a support query in Discord.

We don't process private conversations on the blog.
The conversations and appeals can be clearly transparent for all the community in our Discord servers.
This very popular app is used for all projects on Hive.
The app can be installed on any phone or operating system.

Thank you for understanding.

Hello to all Hive!

This (above) is an example of the centralization at work on this blockchain. Is this really how we want to solve the problems that happen on this blockchain? There are things that are definitely wrong with this blockchain… and these people are attempting to keep those problems off chain in an attempt to keep this blockchain marketable while still implementing centralization, censorship, and repression of our international communities.

Is this really the Hive we all deserve?

Please tell your friends here on this blockchain what has happened here.

@HiveWatchers has zeroed out (via the @adm account) all 3 of the paid translations of Operation #Ping saying that these legitimate translations “are spam”.

Now is your chance to express yourself and share how you all have been feeling! It truly is my desire to speak (unobstructed) with you all! My international brothers and sisters!

Please vote for all things Operation #Ping and leave your thoughts and opinions about this in the recent posts by @Comet.Ranker!

Now is our chance to change the social constructs we have all been feeling on this blockchain.

I hope that you all are well.. and I look forward to hearing ALL of your voices.

I know you are out there!

Comet Ranker@wil.metcalfe