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RE: 1500+ Hive Up For Grabs Just For Engaging Your Followers - Join Operation #Ping! ☄️

in #hive3 years ago (edited)

I probably didn't even notice... why? Because you have just added your DV to the already 961 DownVotes (since Jan.01.2022) that have been dished out by trolls on this blockchain that are attempting to extinguish ideas that are different than theirs and the fun engagement that might actually make people outside this blockchain take a second look.

I have been soakingUP thousands of these DV's because I didn't come to this blockchain to fall in line... I came here because I thought I was among people who truly did want to innovate new and better ways to human... and I wanted to be able to meet amazing people and also vote my values one idea at a time...

I tell you my friend...

This DV culture. This zero out culture forming here on Hive is already destroying engagement and the free market of ideas and free thinking on this blockchain.

I have tried out the DV and I have seen what it can and does do in it's current state...

It's intent is to control for spam and plagiarism and those are good reasons for a DV. But the current DV is RAW and undeveloped and it's harming engagement (to only mention one aspect) here on the blockchain at it's very social fabric.

It is also, in it's current design, an affront to freedom and ownership as it is possible to "own" smaller accounts financially on this blockchain. This, eventually (if not innovated further), will damage our reputations off the blockchain... It may have already had this effect.

This is another reason why I want to measure engagement on the blockchain.

So that we have a social sensor in the "water" so to speak.

If we can quantify engagement as an indicator to social well-being of individual accounts it should also prove to be a good indicator of the overall social well-being on the blockchain.

THESE are the things we should all be thinking and measuring... WHILE WE CONTINUE TO INNOVATE.

If we can all start talking about what truly matters on this blockchain we will be able to collectively innovate and build a better future for everyone who tries here.

This is the vital underlying mission behind Operation #Ping.

And I don't mind telling you...

our follower lists. ☄️This is the reason why we are checking for signs of life and #Ping'ing our way down

Comet Ranker@wil.metcalfe


Or, you've been downvoted because you like to behave like a "know-it-all" in every situation that involves a downvote.

Plus, I never liked your attitude going into Freeze Peach acting like you owned Ron because your tiny delegations.

Acting like a manipulative, shady asshole will get you just that. We haven't bothered downvoted your "project" (which is just another redundant thing tried out by others in the past) since it's supposed to be helpful.

But hey, keep telling people otherwise.

People like you are just that: you don't believe in the community consensus unless it agrees with you and your Anglo-centric idea of how things should be.