I literally DV’ed 2 times… and you won’t let that go will you Tracy.
As for heated conversation… I am not apposed to it especially when it’s 1 person against a whole bunch of people. I seek to understand and that is why I have read the entirety of every comment on this post and every post that I target with @Comet.Ranker.
When it comes to human interaction none of it is often completely black or completely white. In that regard I am a relativist. Life isn’t so much about rights and wrongs but more so it is about pros and cons.
I don’t answer to anyone as to why I Comment Rank the way that I do and the reasons I choose to support certain comments are usually within the wider context of all the comments within a post as I see them.
I have, if you look way down at the bottom of the comment section, directly spoken to the hostility and defensive nature of some of the comments by the author of this post. I have a pretty wide view on what is and has taken place within the context of this post and it’s engagement. So naturally I took it upon myself to give him some feedback about the tone in which he is making his argument. (Many of the words show how fedUP he is and actually weaken his case.)
Sometimes a comment will be ranked for a lot of reasons that are not immediately apparent unless you take the time to read every single comment in the post Other times I feel that a comment is, perhaps 75% on point and 25% off point. Then, as well, there could also be another reason entirely for ranking a comment.
This is my call and I do my best to rank without bias even people I have previously hand less than positive communications with.
That’s the jist of it… but that’s all I am going to say on this matter as I feel that you are “are at it again” looking for ways to throw negativity my way.
Take care Tracy and thank you for checking in.
Comet Ranker@wil.metcalfe
P.S. Going forward, if you could please save your judgments for yourself… that would be very much appreciated. I know that you continue to pop UP here and there and that your intent is to try and discredit me and my efforts to encourage as well as positively direct engagement towards better and more wholesome outcomes on the blockchain. I am growing tired of your attempts to libel and pick me and what I do apart. I don’t have you under the microscope like this… I wonder what would happen if I started to pay more attention to what you are doing on this blockchain. I wonder what things I would be able to find? But in the end… I have no desire to play this sort of game and so I would ask that you please drop these antics.
Thank you kindly.