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RE: What Happened to Hive? - And What Happened to Me?

in #hive4 months ago

Splinterlands was a very good game in the past.

It was one of my favourites in/around 2019.

Nowadays it is completely different.

Nowadays Splinterlands is rather a pay-to-win, and milk the players kind of game.

I still play it from time to time to see the in-game changes, but in the recent past, it is becoming worse and worse.

For example currently the players have to buy Wild Pass for every season to play in the Wild game mode, which was free in the past.

I have not bought Wild Pass so far, and probably I will not buy Wild Pass in the future either.

But we will see. Maybe once or twice I will try it.

Currently instead of the Wild game mode, I play the Modern game mode.


Wild Pass what??? Okay, that just shows how far detached I have become from this game. I still have my (beta) cards though, and I've gotten my farming balanced. But I simply can't see myself playing another tournament.