Happy Hive-cake day to me! [Eng-Pt]

in #hive2 months ago

4 Years on Hive.jpg
Free collage made with canva

https://hivebuzz.me/@xrayman 30-01-2025


Good evening, everyone!

Today is a day of celebration! And there are great reasons for that. Four years ago today, I signed up to this platform. I still remember... We were already a few months into the Covid-19 lockdown😷... It seems like yesterday!

And since it's in times of difficulty that we really know how to overcome them... I was challenged by a good friend of mine, whom many of you know, pardinus, to sign up to this community, where posting was more than just sharing with others. On this platform, we could be rewarded for our posts and interact with people who also had similar interests to us, depending on the community.

Well, at that time I hadn't even seen or dreamed of what could be the start of a great and fantastic adventure.

A lot has certainly happened in my life and in yours. But I'm sure of one thing: what I've already written here and shared with you, I'll continue to do. I want to continue interacting with the community. I want to keep accumulating Hive in HP, so that my vote is more and more valuable, and so that it continues to reinforce the value of Hive.

I hope that in the coming years, Hive will be able to establish a place that it hasn't yet reached. When we realise the true capacity of a network of people, made by people, and decentralised, which doesn't depend on centralised moderation or the establishment of podiums, Hive could become 10x more valuable. I hope so!

What do you hope the community will achieve in the near future? Hive has already started to get noticed, and hopefully always for the right reasons.

I'm going to work up the courage to continue posting regularly!


Boa tarde a todos!

Hoje é um dia celebração! E há grandes razões para tal. Faz hoje 4 anos que me inscrevi nesta plataforma. Ainda me lembro... Estávamos já alguns meses depois de ter sido decretado o confinamento obrigatório devido ao Covid 19😷... Parece que foi ontem!

E como, nas alturas de dificuldades é que sabemos mesmo como as superar... fui desafiado por um grande amigo meu, que muitos de vocês conhecem, o pardinus, em me inscrever nesta comunidade, onde as publicações era mais do que uma partilha com os outros. Nesta plataforma, poderíamos ser recompensados pelas mesmas, e interagir com pessoas que também tinham interesses semelhantes aos nossos, dependendo das comunidades.

Pois é, nessa altura ainda eu não tinha visto nem sonhava o que poderia ser o início de uma grande e fantástica aventura.

Muito se passou na minha e na vossa vida, certamente. Mas de uma coisa eu tenho a certeza, do que já aqui escrevi e que com vocês o partilhei, vou continuar a fazer. Quero continuar a interagir com comunidade. Continuar a acumular Hive em HP, para o meu voto cada vez ter mais valor, e para que continue a reforçar o valor do Hive.

Espero que nos próximos anos, o Hive consiga estabelecer um lugar que ainda não o alcançou. Quando se perceber a verdadeira capacidade de uma rede de pessoas, feita pelas pessoas, e descentralizada, que não depende de uma moderação centralizada, ou de estabelecimento de pódios, poderá haver uma valorização do Hive em 10x. Assim o espero!

E vocês, o que esperam que a comunidade alcance nos próximos tempos? O Hive já começou a dar nas vistas, e esperemos que sempre pelas boas razões.

Vou já ganhar coragem para continuar a publicar de forma regular!

Bem Hajam🍀


Free collage from Canva.com
Free image from Pixabay.com
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


Congratulations, my friend! What a milestone, wow! 👏🎉🎂

More impressive is the way that Hive changed so many things in my life! The acquaintances that turned up to real life friendships... 😉



Happy Hive Birthday @xrayman

Thank you so much, arcange! You know how Hive changed the way I view online communities :)

You're welcome! Go last to hear how much you like Hive.

BTW, your support for the previous HiveSQL proposal has been much appreciated but it expired.
May I ask you to support the new proposal (#329) so HiveSQL can stay free for the community?

Thank you!


Thank you for your comment, arcange!
New proposal #329 supported!
Have a great weekend :)


Thank you for your support @xrayman. Have an excellent weekend too!

Wow, 4 years already??? Happy Hiveversary, I'm glad to see you going strong! ;) !BBH

Thank you for the most important part! The day ONE! Thank you for supporting me since then, my friend! Cheers

Anytime! ;)

Happy Hive anniversary @xrayman :)) 🥂

Thank you so much, Mi! It passed so quickly these 4 years!

Times flies.

I also have the same feeling, that it passes so quickly, my Hive five years anniversary will be exactly in five months hahaha

And that is what is celebration for, right? To remember us the important things, and how we changed since the beginning of a journey :)
Almost there... five months will pass in a blink!

Happy hiversary! It must have been a weird time back on those days when you joined.

Thank you so much, P.! Yes! I remember setting my Hive account in pardinus place. And back then it was so restrictive in terms of allowed dislocations... Craziness!

Obrigado por promover a Língua Portuguesa em suas postagens.

Vamos seguir fortalecendo a comunidade lusófona dentro da Hive.

Metade das recompensas dessa resposta serão destinadas ao autor do post.

Vote no @perfilbrasil para Testemunha Hive.

Happy hiversary my friend! Here's to 40 more 🍻🍻 It's been a great journey so far, long may it continue.