Seems I hit a nerve.
A subject dear to my heart and under unrelenting attack.
I have been pushing back against gun laws for many years.
The constitution says all gun laws are illegal, but when the mass of people just go along to get along, the god given rights we are born with go by the wayside.
Does the right to bear arms prevent government abuse and over reach in the US?
These cases tend to keep them in check.
100% that cop will never again pull somebody over because of his window tint.
You can't legally refuse someone entry to a business for not wearing a mask here either, as far as I know
So, the question becomes how many voluntarily surrender their freedom.
We have a college town that has all the blm signs and mask wearers, but it is just that one town among the 8 that make up our capitol city.
I was hoping for a dialogue
I'll think twice next time
Up to you.
I can only call them as I see them.