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RE: @hiveaustralia July 10 Virtual Meet-up Minutes

in #hiveaustralia4 years ago

Thanks for the update. As one who couldn't make it to the meeting, I appreciate you writing it up @bearone as well as your efforts in giving this community a kick-along. It's good to see things taking shape.

one key to rule them all it'd be good if he could confirm that he is just holding it on behalf of the community and would give it up if requested by the community - To avoid future "misunderstanding". I know he likes to operate in the background a bit (as do I), but many of us don't really know who he is and he doesn't seem to have been present at the discord meetings so for those who haven't had any experience with him over the years atleast a statement of some kind from him might be reassuring?You mention you always wanted @hiveaustralia to be a community asset so it is safe to assume that it actually IS? I trust @ausbitbank too, but as the holder of the

I imagine that @quochoy just has the posting key, as that is all that would be needed to set up the voting bot. Might be worth clarifying that too.

As for your role @bearone - you've been doing a great job doing what you're doing, but how exactly would you describe your role? Is it "El Presidente" (the title coined by Gohba years back) or something else? It'd be worth clarifying the role you intend to play before asking people to vote on formalizing it. I am sure you'll get the endorsement you want with some ease regardless, so this is really just another "avoid future misunderstanding" type of suggestion from me.

I still haven't decided what level of involvement I might volunteer for here. I do care about what happens to the old TA and I'd love to see HA evolve into a form of DAO or DAC over the long run, but I am already suffering some burnout from my involvement with another community on HIVE and have a bit on my plate over the short term. I had tried to start up a mentoring project within TA after the last bull run but it didn't take. Maybe I can try something like that again or I might have another idea down the road.


Hey Bugg :)

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.

I'm sure @ausbitbank will get on to commenting when he's able. He was actually at the first meeting but he rocked up late so you may have missed him. I know ausbit and can vouch for him and his character but I agree, it would be good to hear from him directly, especially for those who don't know him or havent had contact with him.

I was actually hoping someone would set a definition for what I've been doing because I'm not sure what my role is myself (or if I even really want it tbh). I'm here because there was a need to do what I'm doing and no one was stepping up to do it. So here I am. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Most days I feel like an organiser/caretaker.

Community burn out is a very real thing. I've been there, done that, dont want to go there again because it takes the joy out of being in that community because it feels like work. That's why I leave it entirely up to whoever's volunteering to dictate what they want to do and when, with tons of gratitude for stepping up and helping out.

I think you've got the right approach to manage burnout and look to be setting things up so that HA has the best chance to be long term sustainable and prosperous.

The role or title is a tricky one, even a bit of a wanky topic to dwell on, but it'll be important for the community to have some idea of your mandate. I was never comfortable with "El Presidente" because it implied strong executive (even dictatorial) power which I fundamentally don't agree with. In a crypto-based community promoting decentralisation I found it to be totally innappropriate, but maybe that's just me :)

Chief Organiser sounds good to me. It's about facilitation, co-ordination and caretaking among members. If @ausbitbank is the only one holding the owner key then the Custodian role would be for him. I would suggest that the Chief Organiser role should hold the active key as insurance against the "Custodian gets hit by a bus" scenario (or equivalent) which would in all likelihood "brick" the account if others are only ever given the posting key.

Lol yeh it's a bit of a wanky topic. That word mandate is a little wanky too tbh lol. I actually thought that El Presidente thing was a joke and never took it seriously ~ more like ~ "tell him he's dreamin." 🤣

Organiser sounds accurate :) As for the keys, I would rather not have it. I'm keeper of the keys for a few accounts already and I'm not keen to take responsibility for another set. @quochuy is pretty solid and is on all the time, and it's going to be much safer with him (and ausbit) than me.

A little precision, I only hold the Posting Key.

Secret Sharing method. In a nutshell, using a crypto method, we can generate X number of shares and assign each share to one member of the team. When generating the shares we can set a threshold Y. If the custodian gets hit by a bus, then we just need Y members to provide their shares and the app will be able to compute the original Owner Key.@buggedout, another way to handle "Custodian gets hit by a bus" is to use a method I used for TeamVN (when it still was a thing) is to use the

Very interesting. I always figured that multi-sig account functionality was the way this problem would ultimately be solved, but this could be a good option in the interim.

This method could also be used in some real life stuffs too.