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RE: What I've learnt so far with Youth Development

Hey mate, great to hear from you :)
I haven't had that exact situation, but I have had a few parents get their back up and being told their child could benefit from training and they tell me how naturally talented they are. I'm sorry luv, but little Billy will only get so far on natural talent when the kid down the road who may be slower than him today has been putting in the work for a year and at the next meet absolutely smokes your naturally talented but bone lazy kid.


I remember trying to explain that concept to my eldest. Natural talent is great and hard workers get far even without natural talent. So imagine how far you get if you combine the two.

As they get older, the naturally talented who don't want to work always seem to end up leaving the sport when the hard workers who never used to be able to touch them start surpassing them.

100% true. The naturally talented also get hurt much more often than those that work hard.

Hm I wonder if it's just a gym thing then XD

Do they think all those naturally talented athletes don't train at all? o_O

A dance thing too, I think.

When 14yo was doing acro pretty much everything they were doing was very obviously related. Do other dance styles have drills that don't look like dance?

Not really. You still got the complaining parents trying to convince the teachers that their kid was the better choice for the role, etc, when they were overlooked because they didn't focus in class, while other "less talented" kids did, or didn't get to move onto more advanced things.

Fun times x_x