Recently I starting to invite new people to Hive and I realized that they need much more help than I though they need to understand this platfform, this is a great initiative! I'm considering to participate.
Recently I starting to invite new people to Hive and I realized that they need much more help than I though they need to understand this platfform, this is a great initiative! I'm considering to participate.
My entry: ¿Porqúe debería publicar mi contenido en Hive? / Why should I post my content on Hive? | @acont
Answer in Quora
Shared on Twitter
This is my second entry: ¿Qué es Hive y cómo funciona? | What is Hive and how does it works? [ESP-ENG] @acont
Quora answer/respuesta
Twitter#POSH Proof of Share: