The website is not unprofessional, it looks like an arty fun thing which is probably want you want (unless you're a novelist that takes yourself too seriously I guess XD). Only thing I would recommend is maybe making the mouseover a really subtle "glow" or something around the entire image rather than the grey overlay on the actual image as it looks slightly odd to me but given I'm using a bunch of stuff to stop arbitrary script execution it could just be that I'm inadvertently blocking some cool eye candy in which case ignore me go about your business XD
I am in love with the loading swirl.
Ahh this makes me kind of wish I had stuck with doing comics instead of moving into animation XD
I've dropped the link to my sister, hopefully she'll use it when she gets to that stage of her project/s.

Thanks for the input. Nothing wrong with your browser, the grey overlap is the effect I was looking for. I was inspired by Tapas' hover effect. I reduced the darkness by 10% so it should be more subtle now. I'll think of ways to improve that.
In case you're interested, the site does accept gif files if they are smaller than 2mb. I saw some interesting animated comics online. That could be a thing.
Thanks for sharing with your sister. She can even post in Hive and use the tags to show on Inkito. ;-)
She's spinning out slightly over how many front ends there are as is XD her project is still a way off so hopefully she'll be used to posting at least by then so it will be less of a curve :)