COVID - 19

in #hiveblog5 years ago (edited)


I was resisting on commenting/writing on "classic" social platforms because I just don't value the way things are done there.
But, in the light of recent events in Vietnam ( new wave of covid-19 outbreak ) and having firsthand encounters with couple of grown up individuals with anti-mask attitude ( not to use harsher words..) I figured out maybe I could/should write something here.

I apologize upfront on maybe harsher stance, but I just cannot believe how some of us refuse to use common sense and basic knowledge of things in favour of populist attention grabbing news/statements coming from bizarre sources.

Simply put, masks AREN'T magic contraption that will keep you safe and solve world/covid-19 problems.
Stop over complicating simple things with "my right to say no" "my right to this or that" bshit...
This one isn't about that.

Facial masks are extremely simple and useful tool to use when you want to prevent and lower chances of cross-contamination.
When used properly of course ( same as anything else by the way).


Masks = simple, cheap and useful tools to prevent and lower chances of cross-contamination.

They are used for a long time. Different situations...
For example, my experience with masks is tattoo based.
After I did blood pathogens cross-contamination training last year my perspective changed.
From simple " be careful what you touch and keep hygiene, blahblah " I become much more mindful.

Cross-contamination with body fluids is easier than easy... Even in normal, daily life...
If you put yourself in a more risky situation ( tattooing unknown person for 5 hours ) risk becomes more serious. I won't go into details since I don't consider myself a professional tattooer yet, but feel free to check what some of the biggest/experienced artist have to say about it...

Back to the covid - 19.

Wear damn masks. Change them regularly and don't be delusional that your human rights are endangered.
You will significantly lower chances of cross-contamination with covid - 19.
Like 60%-70% lower..

Cross-contamination definition:

The process by which bacteria or other microorganisms are unintentionally transferred from one substance or object to another, with harmful effect.

It's really that simple.
Nothing more nothing else.
I attached simple illustration distributed here in Vietnam... Universally understandable, or idiot-proof :)

Be smart, stay safe.



In-depth article using facts for those interested in numbers and analysis.

"Masks = simple, cheap and useful tools to prevent and lower chances of cross-contamination."