Moon Monday - The Full Thunder Moon July 9th, 2017

in #hiveblopomo4 years ago

Best laid plans, eh? For today's Moon Monday, I'd planned to do some shots of the moon during the daytime hours, since I've done a number of full (or close to) moon posts in recent weeks. I knew for sure I had a bunch somewhere in my folders, because I remember taking them not too long ago and thinking it was worth braving the cold to get some different moon photos for a change of pace. I spent a great deal of time looking for them, but after I found these shots of the Full Thunder Moon from July 9th, 2017 in my "Still Unedited" folder, I decided to go with these for now, which probably means I'll find the other pictures a few minutes after I hit, "publish." 😜

I checked just in case, and found that I did have three shots of that particular full moon as part of my then-weekly Foto Friday post, however I don't see these particular shots there, or anywhere else back then. I still have a dozen or so to go through for a possible future post, but I'm sticking with these seven for today.

My usual spiel before I get to the pictures - I've reduced the file size, and in some cases tweaked the exposure and/or sharpness a bit, but I haven't filtered most of these, other than the instances where I mention I've dome some extra work to them. For the most part, the difference in the color of the moon (and sometimes the clouds around it) comes from zooming in and out, and bumping the exposure up and down, not from tinting it. It still amazes (and me that what I see in the sky isn't always what turns up on my camera. These were taken with my my Nikon affixed to my tripod), in my Durham New Hampshire yard.

Okay, now on to the photos!

The Full Thunder Moon July 9th, 2017

  Moon Monday - The Full Thunder Moon July 9th, 2017
1. La Luna coming up over the tops of the tall trees in our yard.
  Moon Monday - The Full Thunder Moon July 9th, 2017
2. Cool stripey clouds!
  Moon Monday - The Full Thunder Moon July 9th, 2017
3. Different exposure & a bit of re-centering and they look even cooler.
  Moon Monday - The Full Thunder Moon July 9th, 2017
4. This is NEAR (with some cloud accents)...
  Moon Monday - The Full Thunder Moon July 9th, 2017
5. ... and this is FAR! (hat tip to Grover 😂 ).
  Moon Monday - The Full Thunder Moon July 9th, 2017
6. More cool looking stripey clouds...
  Moon Monday - The Full Thunder Moon July 9th, 2017
7. .... which then morphed into just cool clouds. I'm usually not a fan of when the moon is a bit fuzzy in my photos, but for some reason I really like the vibe of this one.

Hope you enjoyed these shots of the Full Thunder Moon from July 2017!

Thanks for stopping by!

My posts may occasionally contain affiliate links. If you click through,
I might get a wicked small commission, with no extra cost to you.

My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which...


Posted from my blog with Exxp :


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 52 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

We have gone to the moon; that is not very far.
Man has so much farther to go
within himself.
Anaïs Nin
original image

These are really neat images @traciyork , I have a Nikon D5600 which I have never learned all the bells and whistles on, and there are a plenty.
Maybe you could give me some pointers?
Also, last year I bought a NIKKOR Lens (70-300mm zoom) for the camera, and now my autofocus doesn't seem to work right, on either the original lens or the Zoom.
Once I get my place settled a bit more and I have time, I hope to get back to doing some interesting photography.
Any input or help would be greatly appreciated.

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These are some really good pictures. The one that shows the moon and its craters is amazing.