Oh, after much, too much thought on this whole thing, I would say his mental health is perfectly sound. It would be so much better for him if it wasn't, but I don't believe that's the case at all. This is nothing more than revenge, some of which is against people who supported him for a long time.
He's actually the scum he's trying to call other people. I've rarely been this pissed in my life, but I had bought that he'd lost his mind, so now that I realize the true motivation, I'm livid.
I'm even thinking there's a good chance that he is everything he's accusing others of. Because you have to be a psychopath to make such accusations knowing full well that it's bullshit.
I don't know some of you that well, but I do know @meesterboom and @nonameslefttouse, and they are good souls, good people, who would never do something like this no matter how wronged they felt they were.
For anyone else reading, imagine anything you may have said in jest being taken out of context like this. Imagine any of your creativity, from art, to stories, and ridiculous comments made about it, being highlighted here to prove you're some kind of a deviant. Imagine having your heart ripped out, because that's exactly what this guy has decided to do to people for revenge. And what is it over? He was abusing autovotes by reposting old content, so people stopped voting, and some downvoted. He got lazy and called out, and this is his retaliation.
The only thing obscene here is him.
For those of you who have been downvoted for thoughts and ideas, I am truly sorry. But this is guy is Not an advocate for you, he is using you for his own purpose, he is the actual enemy here.
Needed to get that out, and if he chooses to try this again, I will copy paste this to every post he makes.
@dustsweeper Hi there. Good to meet you! I've seen you voting on my comments, and appreciate it :) I thought if you were interested in those,you should see this one as this is is the comment that covers it all ;)
fyi dustsweeper checks comments that are close to the dust threshold, i.e. they wouldn't pay out any rewards because the votes are just under the minimum the blockchain can pay out and then it gives them a vote to just get them past it.
but yeah, I think we should all stop feeding this troll as he just wants attention and to waste people's time.
Yeah, I was thinking the same. But if he decides to continue, and people decide to give that attention- I will simply copy and paste the conclusion I came to, as someone whom he can't point at for this garbage.
Instead you walk away as a joke or with people being concerned of your mental health. Score.
Oh, after much, too much thought on this whole thing, I would say his mental health is perfectly sound. It would be so much better for him if it wasn't, but I don't believe that's the case at all. This is nothing more than revenge, some of which is against people who supported him for a long time.
He's actually the scum he's trying to call other people. I've rarely been this pissed in my life, but I had bought that he'd lost his mind, so now that I realize the true motivation, I'm livid.
I'm even thinking there's a good chance that he is everything he's accusing others of. Because you have to be a psychopath to make such accusations knowing full well that it's bullshit.
I don't know some of you that well, but I do know @meesterboom and @nonameslefttouse, and they are good souls, good people, who would never do something like this no matter how wronged they felt they were.
For anyone else reading, imagine anything you may have said in jest being taken out of context like this. Imagine any of your creativity, from art, to stories, and ridiculous comments made about it, being highlighted here to prove you're some kind of a deviant. Imagine having your heart ripped out, because that's exactly what this guy has decided to do to people for revenge. And what is it over? He was abusing autovotes by reposting old content, so people stopped voting, and some downvoted. He got lazy and called out, and this is his retaliation.
The only thing obscene here is him.
For those of you who have been downvoted for thoughts and ideas, I am truly sorry. But this is guy is Not an advocate for you, he is using you for his own purpose, he is the actual enemy here.
Needed to get that out, and if he chooses to try this again, I will copy paste this to every post he makes.
@dustsweeper Hi there. Good to meet you! I've seen you voting on my comments, and appreciate it :) I thought if you were interested in those,you should see this one as this is is the comment that covers it all ;)
fyi dustsweeper checks comments that are close to the dust threshold, i.e. they wouldn't pay out any rewards because the votes are just under the minimum the blockchain can pay out and then it gives them a vote to just get them past it.
but yeah, I think we should all stop feeding this troll as he just wants attention and to waste people's time.
Ah, thanks!
Yeah, I was thinking the same. But if he decides to continue, and people decide to give that attention- I will simply copy and paste the conclusion I came to, as someone whom he can't point at for this garbage.