inspired by @condigital and helped by his generous code to show me how it all works using php, I was able to code a class in TCL to work with the json api and have it give me results that I can use with a little digital screen I have.
the 2nd line shows 88.50% of my voting power, and 13.80 hours until it is full
the 3rd line show 0.109 HP and 0.00 HBD is available to be claimed
tcllib be installed for json requirement
below is the code interact with the hive json api.
# Marc Bookmeyer 2022
# Class for interfacing json interface
# voting_power'current -- this calculates the current voting power based upon current time - voting_manabar.last_update_time
# which may be incorrect, but it works .. until I find a better way and fixing it is simple enough
# voting_power'timeTillFull -- based upon the above calculation to figure how long it would be to fill the voting power bar
# all the below values listed are available in a dictionary or list and simply needs to be pulled for use
# I could have one method for every variable available, and may at some time, but for now it is as needed
# the next part I'd like to see is the mana and downvote
proc pdict {dict {pattern *}} {
set longest 0
set keys [dict keys $dict $pattern]
foreach key $keys {
set l [string length $key]
if {$l > $longest} {set longest $l}
foreach key $keys {
puts [format "%-${longest}s = %s" $key [dict get $dict $key]]
package require json
oo::class create hiveBlog {
variable userName results rawData dictData regenRate votingPower
constructor { _userName } {
set userName $_userName
# 20% / ( H * M * S ) -- Calculate 20% / seconds in a day
set regenRate [ expr { 20. / ( 24 * 60 * 60 ) } ]
method update {} {
my _update
my _parse
method _update { } {
set jsonCmd "\{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\", \"method\":\"condenser_api.get_accounts\", \"params\":\[\[\"$userName\"\]\], \"id\":1\}"
set rawData [exec curl -s --data $jsonCmd]
method _parse {} {
set dictData [json::json2dict $rawData]
#puts "DATA\n[dict keys $dictData]"
#jsonrpc result id -- KEYS
set tempResult [my result]
# strip {} chars, it is a dict now
set results [string range $tempResult 1 end-1]
# puts "RESULT\n[dict keys $results]"
set votingPower [expr { [dict get $results voting_power]/ 100. }]
method result {} {
dict get $dictData result
method result_keys {} {
dict keys $dictData result
method reward_vesting_hive {} {
lindex [dict get $results reward_vesting_hive] 0
method reward_hbd_balance {} {
dict get $results reward_hbd_balance
method balance {} {
dict get $results balance
method hbd_balance {} {
dict get $results hbd_balance
method voting_manabar {} {
dict get $results voting_manabar
method voting_manabar'last_update_time {} {
#voting_manabar = current_mana 2322147643318 last_update_time 1644350472
lindex [my voting_manabar] 3
method voting_manabar'offsetSinceLastUpdate {} {
expr { [clock seconds] - [my voting_manabar'last_update_time] }
method voting_power'calculatedRegenSinceOffset {} {
expr { $regenRate * [my voting_manabar'offsetSinceLastUpdate] }
method voting_power'current {} {
format %.2f [expr { [my voting_power] + [my voting_power'calculatedRegenSinceOffset] }]
method voting_power'timeTillFull {} {
format %.2f [expr { ((100 - [my voting_power'current]) / 20.) * 24 }]
method voting_power {} {
return $votingPower
method print:test {} {
puts "[my voting_power] [my reward_vesting_hive] [my reward_hbd_balance] \n \
[my voting_manabar] \nLast Update time:[my voting_manabar'last_update_time] \nvoting_manabar'offsetSinceLastUpdate:[my voting_manabar'offsetSinceLastUpdate]\n\
regenRate: $regenRate \n\
calculatedRegenSinceOffset:[my voting_power'calculatedRegenSinceOffset]\n\
voting_power'current: [my voting_power'current]%\n\
voting_power'timeTillFull:[my voting_power'timeTillFull]"
method print:lcd {} {
return "[my voting_power'current]% full:[my voting_power'timeTillFull] hr"
method print:lcd2 {} {
return "[my reward_vesting_hive] HP [my reward_hbd_balance]"
method print:rawData {} {
puts $rawData
method print:results {} {
pdict $results
set x [hiveBlog new klevn]
$x update
puts [$x print:lcd]
puts [$x print:lcd2]
here are the results from running the print:results
print:results makes it easy to find wanted variables
$x print:results
#~ #example output from print:results
#~ id = 369459
#~ name = klevn
#~ owner = weight_threshold 1 account_auths {} key_auths {{STM5zbFmxSgHYAFY8LN2chGFHqCeDvJ1zQ5ngbdKNEikYJx8L6gwT 1}}
#~ active = weight_threshold 1 account_auths {} key_auths {{STM7oCAjBQGm1KRuTx5KrY8o5wUDjo9f3fHR3n94x3xCWsfPVUYEn 1}}
#~ posting = weight_threshold 1 account_auths {{ 1} { 1} { 1} { 1} { 1} {threespeak 1} { 1}} key_auths {{STM89W4ji9BKfbypGpxv8UeNbUhvdXGk5VU5X61e7JKx84bHjqcPQ 1}}
#~ memo_key = STM8YpbQGWPuPwVPw2pqgWUTubemiV9HFSjjw8CVpk3mDhpqPqE8q
#~ json_metadata = {"profile":{"name":"marcDouglas","about":"love life. expose truth. leave the rest behind.","location":"lawrence, kansas","cover_image":"","profile_image":""}}
#~ posting_json_metadata = {"profile":{"name":"marcDouglas","about":"love life. expose truth. leave the rest behind.","location":"lawrence, kansas","cover_image":"","profile_image":""}}
#~ proxy =
#~ last_owner_update = 2017-09-25T14:28:27
#~ last_account_update = 2020-09-18T00:11:39
#~ created = 2017-09-14T10:43:15
#~ mined = false
#~ recovery_account = steem
#~ last_account_recovery = 1970-01-01T00:00:00
#~ reset_account = null
#~ comment_count = 0
#~ lifetime_vote_count = 0
#~ post_count = 2265
#~ can_vote = true
#~ voting_manabar = current_mana 2322147643318 last_update_time 1644350472
#~ downvote_manabar = current_mana 776854223097 last_update_time 1644350472
#~ voting_power = 7472
#~ balance = 0.020 HIVE
#~ savings_balance = 0.000 HIVE
#~ hbd_balance = 2.014 HBD
#~ hbd_seconds = 1245592101
#~ hbd_seconds_last_update = 2021-06-28T02:16:21
#~ hbd_last_interest_payment = 2021-06-11T01:53:36
#~ savings_hbd_balance = 0.000 HBD
#~ savings_hbd_seconds = 0
#~ savings_hbd_seconds_last_update = 1970-01-01T00:00:00
#~ savings_hbd_last_interest_payment = 1970-01-01T00:00:00
#~ savings_withdraw_requests = 0
#~ reward_hbd_balance = 0.000 HBD
#~ reward_hive_balance = 0.000 HIVE
#~ reward_vesting_balance = 201.024252 VESTS
#~ reward_vesting_hive = 0.109 HIVE
#~ vesting_shares = 3107416.892390 VESTS
#~ delegated_vesting_shares = 0.000000 VESTS
#~ received_vesting_shares = 0.000000 VESTS
#~ vesting_withdraw_rate = 0.000000 VESTS
#~ post_voting_power = 3107416.892390 VESTS
#~ next_vesting_withdrawal = 1969-12-31T23:59:59
#~ withdrawn = 0
#~ to_withdraw = 0
#~ withdraw_routes = 0
#~ pending_transfers = 0
#~ curation_rewards = 145416
#~ posting_rewards = 117666
#~ proxied_vsf_votes = 0 0 0 0
#~ witnesses_voted_for = 30
#~ last_post = 2022-02-07T19:38:21
#~ last_root_post = 2022-01-25T14:24:39
#~ last_vote_time = 2022-02-08T20:01:12
#~ post_bandwidth = 0
#~ pending_claimed_accounts = 0
#~ governance_vote_expiration_ts = 2022-08-18T17:25:45
#~ delayed_votes =
#~ open_recurrent_transfers = 0
#~ vesting_balance = 0.000 HIVE
#~ reputation = 521538790298
#~ transfer_history =
#~ market_history =
#~ post_history =
#~ vote_history =
#~ other_history =
#~ witness_votes = aggroed anyx arcange ats-witness ausbitbank blocktrades curie drakos good-karma gtg jesta leofinance lukestokes.mhth netuoso ocd-witness pfunk pharesim roelandp someguy123 steemgigs steemitboard steempeak steempress thecryptodrive themarkymark therealwolf threespeak timcliff ura-soul yabapmatt
#~ tags_usage =
#~ guest_bloggers =
here is a fossil with the entire project with the LCD screen. It is running on a pi4.
if you don't know about fossil .. download it here
then the easiest thing, once you have it installed is to do a
fossil clone <path to save location for fossil, if not used it will populated in the folder ran in with all the files in the fossil! yikes>
fossil clone /home/<username>/documents/fossils/lcd_sunstar.fossil
then you open the 'fossil' in a empty folder of your choice
once in the empty folder
fossil open /home/<username>/documents/fossils/lcd_sunstar.fossil
then you have it. if you changed the code, be careful running update, tho it would warn you if a conflict arose.
fossil is a great all around tool for keeping a small project the big project treatment.
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