
Looking good so far:

 0|bacon  | 2021-03-01 02:50:33 info: [Streamer] head_block_number 51742909 currentBlock 51712695 Hive blockchain is 30214 blocks ahead

That was me : )Thanks @rishi

ubuntu@vps-b9f06e53:~/hive/BACKUPS$ wget

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 3887032799 (3.6G)
Saving to: ‘hsc_02-28-2021_51712566.archive’

hsc_02-28-2021_51712566.archive      100%[=====================================================================>]   3.62G  5.75MB/s    in 11m 14s

2021-03-01 02:44:25 (5.50 MB/s) - ‘hsc_02-28-2021_51712566.archive’ saved [3887032799/3887032799]

16K away

0|bacon  | 2021-03-01 03:45:10 info: [Streamer] head_block_number 51743999 currentBlock 51727416 Hive blockchain is 16583 blocks ahead

wish you were here

DANG!!!! I thought I'd seen cool things....


We're back up!

Could have synced about ~ 30 minutes ago but I was WAY too buzzy buying NFT art : )

Well done @amphlux !!!

I believe in their haste, someone forgot to kick back on the DB...
Should be back soon...


I'm back in sync with the chain and have registered = )

Thanks For the Votes!!! @condeas @meta.condeas @ibc @gerdtrudroepke @blue.rabbit @adysscheryl @eyeofthestrom

thanks for the mention are you talking about up votes? They're good for all of us that's what I heard

Absolutely they are : )


I also wanted to thank you for voting for me as a witness.
Although I haven't been able to get back on line for 17 days, I sincerely apricate your vote!!

Thanks again!

That is so very nice of you. Where you see that page at

Great question : )

primersion.com_witnesses.gif Head over to and scroll down to "ismellbacon" and click on it. You'll see who's voted for that witness. You voted for me. Thank You !!

Okay I recognize a lot of those faces so I know where I clicked on you and you open to your peakd blog looks like they're going to have to check it out again but I'm on a bigger device thank you so much have a great evening or morning

I will : )
It's Saturday Night !!
Take Care !

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Your next target is to reach 50 replies.

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Tour Update - Financial stages

Odd log entries and I couldn't sync back up...

2021-03-02 01:41:39 ^[[32minfo^[[39m: [P2P] {
  jsonrpc: '2.0',
  id: 9,
  error: { code: 404, message: 'current witness is different' }

Started over with 5b. Restore a MongoDB dump (recommended approach). HERE

I shouldn't be playing THIS much catch up, but I'm willing to wait it out.
It's just going to be a couple more days : )

0|marvin  | 2021-03-03 04:41:27 info: [Streamer] head_block_number 51802542 currentBlock 51025178 Hive blockchain is 777364 blocks ahead
0|marvin  | 2021-03-03 14:44:07 info: [Streamer] head_block_number 51814575 currentBlock 51182321 Hive blockchain is 632254 blocks ahead
0|marvin  | 2021-03-04 03:54:38 info: [Streamer] head_block_number 51830315 currentBlock 51376786 Hive blockchain is 453529 blocks ahead

less then 180K

0|marvin  | 2021-03-04 23:15:21 info: [Streamer] head_block_number 51853487 currentBlock 51674157 Hive blockchain is 179330 blocks ahead

Now that we've got votes from accounts with steaked WORKERBEE


we should start moving. I hope...
