Very good your recent writing accessories Sir, the points of view that could emerge from each participant will be very intriguing because "each head is a world", but in all perhaps there should be a common denominator that draws attention and from there many are clarified doubts, some rough edges are smoothed out and improvements to the hive platform are consolidated in a constructive way. It is true that nobody will waste their time here if they do not get money, in fact, publishing and going unnoticed is very unpleasant, as you say: "There is no guaranteed vote", although it is a truth that hurts, we must assume that also the position of many creators content, is also selfish, we just want to throw a post, be lazy and hope that the curators leave a good tip. It's not fair!
Sometimes I think, what would I do if I had the power of the whale @appreciator? It is a terrible compromise! Hahaha
I congratulate you for your hard work, for fair distribution, for the hours you spend reading and curating content.
My tiny power and support is not guaranteed either hahaha, but as long as I can I will support you in these intriguing and fun initiatives.