From the beginning I was interested in what was happening and tried to get to the root that created the whole problem, even to the point of the invasion by the Mongol empire centuries ago, when divided the Slavic people who were born in "La Rus de Kiev"
The Nazi collaboration of Ukrainian Nazionalists led by Bandera is absolutely abhorrent and only the US managed to sink lower preparing and financing the coup in 2014 after that memorable speech by Putin in the Munich security council in 2006 than if he had given it an American in Washinton would have had the transcendence that Martin Luther King gave with his "I have a dream".
I am an admirer of Russia, of her history and how her sacrifice saved us ungrateful Europeans on different occasions and historical moments. I was never a communist but I admire the Red Army, Zhúkov, Operation Bagration, Khrushchev and his plan with the missiles from Cuba to Lev Yashin, The women snipers who killed Nazi officers...
The ones who had to be in those tied up and beaten photos are the Americans who have fed and enlarged the Nazi problem in Ukraine to the point of being a huge threat, and if the US had not fed and financed the problem it would be very far from reaching the point that reached.
A lot of strength, that everything be resolved in the least pain-free way possible and long live the great Russia forever!!!
Pd. This is what my windows desktop looks like 😝🤟