Well, what an honor. We have the pleasure of writing this from the beach here in Rosarito, during sunset. The Latin music is still sounding in the back ground, the trumpets are still trumpeting and everyone behind us is dancing.
Anyway, onto the not so insignificant case of Hivefest closing out. While there is the feeling of relief that there is nothing more to do and the event is completed, again, as with all Hivefests, the feeling of sadness that it has all come to an end and the very last people are leaving to go about their normal crazy lives, is very present. They are happy, we hope, having had a few moments to be with the best type of people in the world; those who know to their core what freedom is and how to build it into reality! They are Hivians.
What a fest! The Presentations were top class, everything presented was an existing project, being built with credible, capable and curagious people behind it. All of these projects will change the world, we are sure. We absolutely loved them all. We will be, binge watching the HivefestTalks Web3 youtube channels for weeks to come to see the amazing personalities of the people behind the projects on Hive and even dissect and digest the things to come over the next few months from their projects. You guys really make Hive and Hivefest special places! Who else is building like this in such a deep bear market? No one is!! For the devs, and project builders, its really, "Come for the deving, stay for the community ‘-)" and @neopch
Don't Miss the Live Recordings - (They are awesome)
We have dozens of hours of content from this Hivefest and we look forwards to sharing all of the shorts that come from it. Look out for call to action announcements over the coming days where you can get rewarded for sharing Hivefest short form content!
@theycallmedan and I will also be putting out "Directors cut content" over the coming days too! So stay tuned for our take on the presentations and what we REALLY think about all those Hivean presenters and their projects!
You can see the latest live stream content here:
- HiveFest 2023 - Rosarito Mexico - Conference Day 1a
- HiveFest 2023 - Rosarito Mexico - Conference Day 1b
- HiveFest 2023 - Rosarito Mexico - Conference Day 2a
- HiveFest 2023 - Rosarito Mexico - Conference Day 2b
BEHIND THE SCENES & CHILL with @neopch and @crimsonclad:
- Hivefest Behind the Scenes & Chillout Day 1
- Hivefest Behind the Scenes & Chillout Day 2
- Hivefest Behind the Scenes & Chillout Day 3
FREECHAIN MOVIE PREMIER RED CARPET with @neopch and @buttcoins:
- Hivefest - FREECHAIN Movie premier - Red Carpet - Pre Movie
- Hivefest - FREECHAIN Movie premier - Red Carpet - After Movie
Some Hivefest Highlights
Another thing that impressed was just how incredible the journeys were, to get here, Hivians really showed how few boundaries there are to prevent them meeting, no matter the effort. This tradition must be repeated year after year. The value created by being able to look people in the eyes and see them smile and feel their emotions when talking about Hive is immeasurable. This year the quality of conversations we heard taking place around the Fest was second to none. The relationships forged, the plans and ideas generated is truly unstoppable value. We cannot say how excited we are for the future of Hive simply because of this alone, notwithstanding all of the other reasons to be excited!
Additionally it was such a wonderful opportunity to see the talent on Hive shine. All their talents came out! From people volunteering to help, showing their presentation and technical skills, organising, singing, speaking, moderating, and even a little dancing were all on display. More importantly, there were many people who we feel now have at least a portion of the exposure on chain that they deserve. They are now in the minds of many and their ideas are out there, starting to grow, evolve and take their place within the community! We love this part of Hivefest.
A quick interruption by @theycallmedan he wants to say simply:
“Hivefest.MX23 was AMAZING”
We all made so many amazing connections that will last into infinity carried by this chain into the future by our sheer will and desire for freedom and immutability, expressed by the incredible energy of this year’s Hivefest! Bring it on!
Fun After the Conference Days
Wine tours, live streams, interviews (@neopch, @crimsonclad), poker (@rubengzl24), ping pong (@blocktrades), horseshoe tournaments (won by @anomadsoul's team against the Slavic power team) and even a @FREECHAIN movie premier (@lordbutterfly, @little.lamb) to beat them all, complete with red carpet, sharp dressers, tears and emotions to boot followed the main conference events. Something’s that we will never forget, as the energy and great attitude of Hiveans just made it so much more than it could possibly be, had it been any other group!
Taxiing to Hive Utopia
Our greatest sense of achievement during the fest was operation "Break Tesla", getting everyone across safely and without hick-up from the airports to the hotel, it was quite the miracle!! We did manage to damage Paul, (@muusiz168) the taxi driver's Tesla via something called Mileage attrition by Hivean, so he completed a portion of the rest of the fest's transport with the insurance back up car (thanks to @nathansenn for signing him up, after which he started accepting HBD for payments!).
Closing Fire
We also loved the fire show at the closing drinks, particularly when @eddiespino’s and @arcange’s somewhat questionable dancing skills set the floor on fire beneath their feet apparently! They move fast however, so it was ok :)
Onboarding Businesses
Cafe De La FondaThe most valuable moment for us was when @manuphotos managed to get the coffee shop “” (@cafefonda) to accept HBD and 40 hiveans suddenly flooded the shop to spend almost 400 HBD in the follwing 5 days there. @V4Vapp and @keychain store were fully on display to some very key crypto players in South America such as @josepimpo at that moment.
Comedy Moments
HERE, If you want a laugh, we recommend to watch it now!Our funniest moment, well there were many, but we really enjoyed the interview, pre Freechain premier with @neopch and @arcange, where Arcange seemed to believe he was accepting an award for his acting skills before the premier had even begun. You can see this interview
Some Memories:
@taskmaster, @jongolson and @roelandp even managed to make appearances too!
Hivefest Was Made Possible By...
#HiveSpace & Creative Work HourHivefest.MX23 could not have happened without the support of the loyal sponsors: You: the Hive Dao Fund through @valueplan covering all fixed costs of the event and helping with ticket subsidies to keep the prices as affordable as possible. by @alessandrawhite, Skyteam, @PeakD, @Splinterlands, @DBuzz, #HoneyComb & @DLux, @SPKnetwork and @threespeak.

Individual contributions also from, @blocktrades, @alpha, @ethurnex, @arcange, @disregardfiat, @alessandrawhite have helped to keep ticket prices down and reduced the costs of the event.
Sponsored Tickets
Also we would like to give shout outs to @threespeak and @blocktrades for helping out with ticket competitions to the event so that 6 hiveans could have an opportunity to attend the event for free.
Shout outs to the Volunteers!!
The event also would not have been possible without the help of the volunteer crew:
@taskmaster4450 & @jongolson - Spending many, many grueling hours live streaming the event from their twitter spaces channels. Was awesome to hear @vaultec and several others talking to you live during the event about their projects on your live spaces. It really added to the atmosphere!
@Detlev - The most expert Master of Ceremonies
@mynewlife - long term Hivefest Videographer - can't wait to see what video he makes from this event
@katerinathegreat - helper from a distance, but was blocked from arriving mid journey and had to return home :(
@JZA - Provided excellent blockchain knowledge and traditional Mexican muscle and help when called upon,
@anomadsoul - Helped immensely with arranging the free ticket competitions and even better, helped organise the horseshoe throwing tournament, but didn't manage to turn up to his own poker tournament - What a tournament it was however, complete with trophy from @dylanhobalart ,
@Gabbygolden - micro managed every single special touch detail you saw from Pinatas to Hive branded Mexican cookies, thank you Gabby G!
@evilpotatoes - Our local man on the ground - knows Rosarito better than anyone which came in handy many times during the organisation of the event
@alessandrawhite, @eturnerx, @ura-soul - thanks for being expert art curators and @NFTshowroom art gallery managers!
@rubenglz24 - Local muscle, we drove him around the bend collecting things for the fest. Saved the event many times. Also a great man for knowing EXACTLY how much alcohol a group needs and this year's Poker Tournament Trophy winner
@eddiespino - A last minute arrival, turned the man at the center of fixing almost every problem at the event. Eddie shined at Hivefest. It cannot be said enough just how much his help was needed and how grateful we are to have him on the team!
@enrique89 - helped from a distance with art and some last minute coordination's. Thanks Enrique
@gr33nm4ster - Was a free ticket winner, and so should have relaxed and enjoyed the event, but he got stuck in and helped out everywhere. What an asset to Hive and Hivefest!
@manuphotos - A natural charmer. Again we did not expect him to help out like he did. He onboarded a local business and has since onbaorded a whole hotel in Cuba to accept Hive and HBD!! The man is a charm machine!
@guiltyparties - thank you for helping us secure funds to feel comfortable to take the risk to take the event on! Could not have done it without you sir! Also, @valueplan helped subsidise the ticket prices by over 30%!
@crimsonclad & @neopch - Always there with good advice and what a natural they both are on stage and on the livestream interviews! Can't recommend enough but to watch all of these, as they really helped to bring out the best in the personalities of the presenters at the Hivefest back stage and chill set! (Crimmy flew red eye in, did her stuff and then red eye back out and missed all the fun events! But we were glad to have you there!)
@victorg30 - Our trusty artist from afar for this event! so helpful. Getting the art ready for the printers was such a difficult task as so many things changed at the last minute. But Victor was always there ready to deal with our last minute questions. Thanks Victor!
@arcange - Proof of Hug, Proof of meet, badges and keeping track of who has attended the fests over the years. Some of us have been to 5 fests and have trophies from Arcange to prove it. Some have even been to all 6 IRL fests in a row!!
@samgiset - Thanks for coordinating some of the designs and business cards from afar!
We would also like to thank the speakers incredible speakers and builders on this chain, but most of all, you all for making the trip to all the way to Rosarito!
And last but not least @roelandp himself, for helping with advice, updating the website, speakers lists and managing a good chunk of the ticketing system and live stream functionality during the fest!
Travel Reimbursement Fund
Once the bills are cleared, we will have some funds left over. We proudly plan to put these into the @t-r-f fund managed by @arcange to help cover some of the travel costs of the attendees!!
Thanks all, Will never forget helping out with Hivefest!!! This is what it's all about! Much Love....
All the Best from your Hivefest Hosts, @starkerz and @theycallmedan.
P.S. Lost silver ring
Someone left a pure sliver ring at the Beer Saturday event. Please DM me if you want to claim it, or know whose it is.
Hombres on stage
Thanks @starkerz for this remarkable event and the fun on stage as being the "MC in da House"
...and you all know why "Orange" was on stage??
Awesome experience and so greatful for being a part of this journey. Good Job Everyone! 🤗🔥🚀 Thank You 🙏
You shined sir!! great to see your talents on display! :))
Thank you for your trust Sir! and the opportunity to participate in this event 🤗 I appreciate it very much. It was an honor 🫡
Thanks for the mention @starkerz, on my part I did my best to help as much as I could and it didn't represent a job or anything like that because I enjoyed it a lot.
Congratulations to all of you who organized this HiveFest that although it is my first (I know it won't be my last) listening to other Hive-ians who have said that it is the best and I feel very proud that it was in my country.
Everything went perfect even with its imperfections, I keep many memories and I will carry in my soul your essences as people because I feel that I made very good friends including you, I hope to see you in the next HiveFest.
Hive On!
PS. Thanks for those tips before and during the legendary diamond poker tournament, without them I wouldn't have made it this far.
Ha! there should have been a prize for outing the most people from the game. you got several top class players to go all in with you and they all lost. all the time while you were asking for explanations of what was going on in the game!! well played Mr Green!
what an honour and humbling view to see the event happen without even being present. As written on my own blog ofcourse I felt the biggest fomo in advance, which grew painfully while the whole thing was happening, yet having all this at home (on the construction site) distractions in place.
it feels like a little black hole in my life, aargh that sounds gross, but anyhow, it is great to read this write-up and the other posts and having seen the event unfold through the digital representations was a little painkiller.
Thank you @starkerz and the whole team for throwing such a great party! miss you guys and see you next year!
Sad you couldn't be there RP! Was a class time and missed your presence a lot!! I have a feeling you will be at the following fests, either in person or in cut out form however. (In person better than cut out form of course)
That is a super awesome event and congratulations!
One of these days me and puppy dog will be able to come to one of these events. Hopefully something can happen on the west coast USA!
I really wanted to go to the Vegas event however things just didn't work out.
And we are still super broke and working on earning enough that weekend do more travel!
And really cool thing about that travel reimbursement fund. That's super awesome idea I had to follow that! Really cool initiative to get more people there.
And we absolutely need to start putting in and investment into the local meetups again as well. The hive fest is a big party! Really wish that it went on tour and started visiting different spots like Portland Oregon!
Would have been great to see you there Ganja! I hope you will be able to garner some of the fun and atmosphere from the live steams and interviews linked above
It's about bed time and I'll see about checking them out.
Really awesome that you guys got the video of hanging out!
Can't wait to see you at one @ganjafarmer! After all these years it's about time! <3
Bring it closer! Lol mexico was a bit far...
Where there's a will, there's a way. You will hit yourself for not going sooner once you attend your first one. It's just such amazing energy from all these amazing people. It's something else. Have I fomo'd enough?
I was a part of the local steemit meetups?
And it is really difficult for somebody who's homeless and disabled to be able to afford an international trip... Let alone the hotel and tickets...
Maybe one day.
Sure is a shame that the local meetups haven't really been brought back.
The biggest experience of my life. I don’t have a different way of saying it.
Was great having you @manuphotos! looking forwards to what you can bring to Hive in the future!
You're a rock star @manuphotos! Yes, Hivefest does have that impact on people. So great to meet you there.
Appreciate it. It was a pleasure to meet you and getting to know you all!
Stuff like this keep me with good vibes and a huge hope to be part of something this Big some day, gratz for this awesome event 🔥⚡⚡🤛🏻
Loved to be part of this Event, even out from there. Thank you for the opportunity.
Looking forwards to seeing all the short form content you make from what was recorded at Hivefest!
A lot of mixed feelings for me in a single publication. It was and will be an honour for me to have helped in the Hive Fest, I hope next year to continue helping and to be able to attend. Greetings and a hug!
It wouldn’t have looked the same without you!!
It truly does sound amazing, and a great experience. I'm raging that I couldn't make it over this year, but fingers crossed I'll be at next years one.
I could feel the buzz from just being online, even from other people who couldn't make it.
I hope you watch the Freechain movie premier streems (linked above), I hope that next year or the year after, this will be you and your team with "Stealing is Bad" Movie!
Too right man, Stealing is Bad 2024.
I'm currently 10 minutes into the first part of the premier. Looks deadly!
Curiosty got the better of me and I wanted to watch some of the after show reactions, but I think the link for that is the pre-show again if you want to check that.
Updated, should be ok now! :) thanks xx
Sound man, going to check it out now
Thanks so much for the great summary. Looks like you all had a brilliant time as always.
I felt very inspired by the videos of the event, particularly by projects that I had no idea existed. It truly was an event of substance this time. So many exciting things already in action.
Well done to everyone involved and long may it continue!
Thanks very much for this input! Its great to see that we could bring all of these amazing projects together and give them a platform for people who have been on chain for a long time to finally find out about them, for they deserve it! We hope you enjoy the live streams in the links above, so much good stuff going on, on chain!
Amazing ❤️
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Hey @emrebeyler, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Man... so much envy... I can't miss more of these.
And this one is a good one! 😜

I've been watching the videos and it's great to see so many familiar faces. Sorry I wasn't there to play you a song or three. Maybe next time...
Looking forwards to the song on the next one!
It looks like you had a great time, I think it's impossible not to have a good time being so close to the beach.
I want to see FREE CHAIN! And I also want them to come to Venezuela or a little closer, I'm sure they will fall in love.
PS: How can it be called a ola surfista and nobody surfed it? hahaha
The surf was super cold! But it's a famous surf spot here and many do surf. But we surf the web3 waves of the internet surfista!
Congratulations on a successful HIVE Fest! I was there for Bangkok and you're right. In person feeling is very different.
But wait a minute... there were live size human prints of the sorely missed roelandp??
Yes, he was there in spirit and in cut out form
Awwwww now this was so lovely to read, Kudos to everyone who played a part in making Hive Fest a success, you all rock!!
Thank you!
A fabulous time for all of the Hivians. I appreciate all of the dedication that all of you put into the promotion.
Someday HIVE may become a more viable option for more folks that are accepting of decentralized content.
It sure will!
I would love to be and participate in these types of experiences. Greetings
Looking forwards to seeing you at the next ones!
What an exhilarating recap of HiveFest, making it feel alive with memories and connections made! Were there any unexpected highlights or surprises that stood out to you during the event?
I am your new follower here @starkerz =D
Having @khaleelkazi attend and present was a memorable moment!
Such a great man, hope to see meet @khaleelkazi someday 🤞
Great write-up and it pretty much sums it all up. What a great Hivefest it was. You and all that helped did an amazing job @starkerz! And those body guards look cool af though. 😁 It was needed in Mexico after all LOL.
Great having you there, along with your crew and the little terror!
So you actually blogging mate. I'm super glad you pulled this off and make it as a continuation of HiveFest! Those events are needed. Only I've got those pics of you being stressed but pretend that everything is under control, so I know how much it costs you, but in fact everything was organised so well! No stress was needed. Well done! Clap, Clap.
Ha! it was just in time event management. I hope i kept a reasonable grimace on my face for the photos during the event :))
I am very excited to have participated in some Hive Fest related activities.
You are a beast, there were many activities that you did so that I could carry out this important event for the Hive Community.
I hope to attend the next one, and collaborate with the organization
Hey! great working with you on this one!
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What an edition to miss, I didn't make it to any of the previous ones due to either financial difficulties or having to move countries and needing all funds. This was the one I'd love to attend. Maybe next year so I can finally my sister from another mother @misslasvegas in real life too :)
Looks like a great event you guys hosted, are there plans for another edition in Mexico next year?
I think the location will change next year. but lets see!
Nice pictures! I wish I could have attended the Hive Fest 🥲😣
HiveFest is a one-of-a-kind event! Special thanks to @starkerz for making this dream come true, along with sponsors, partners, volunteers, speakers, and participants!
Here is my favorite photo - HiveFest MX23 registration.
It truly captures the mood, style, and joy of the event!
I was so proud to have found the time at just the right moment to sit with Dan and open Hivefest with him and Manu. Was a great moment!
Maybe, some day, in the future we will can travel to share a Hive Fest.
Muy linda la vista
Great article Matt. I've just used three speak to enter the Vibes contest. Hopefully one day we can all meet up. We're still in Cyprus. Jack @deimus filmed the video for me
Hey There! great to hear from you! I hope it all goes well there! There is some great talent in the competition!
Thank you Matt - yes, its a tough competition - great to hear from you too
Wow veo que muchos vivieron una gran experiencia en Hivefest. Soy nueva en este ecosistema y veo que hay mucho que explotar. 💪
wow, amazing!
Very inspiring, thank you
Well, I'm really glad that everything went well at HiveFest Rosarito Mexico this year and that everyone is happy and satisfied with the great results. However, I can't help but say that I find it somewhat awkward and a bit surprising that after having mentioned so many people in this recount, I have not been able to find a single reference or mention of the assistance at the event and the presence and participation of @khaleelkazi and his leofinance's projects in this post also. ?¿?
This blog was dedicated to the people who volunteered to help at the fest, plus it was some pics that I had on my phone. Most of the attendees were left out of this blog.
I have to say it was wonderful to see @khaleelkazi at the event and his presentation was one of the best there. It was really a great opportunity to help him show people what his project does and what his plans are for the future. I think he probably had the most interest from the crowd as he had pretty much the longest Q&A after his presentation. The media created at the event is second to none and his presentation was filmed as well as his after presentation chill out interview. All of this content is great for marketing Leo (and the other projects) and Khal did a really great job there!
I had an amazing time out there! Loved the event, you guys put on quite the show and after-party events
I don't travel much but I'm glad I made the trip out to Rosarito! I gotta brush up on my presentation skills lol, haven't done much of that and I think I can do a lot better. Thank you for the kind words, already looking forward to the next HF so we can run it back. Appreciate everything you did to help me get out there brother 🙏🏽
Happy to have u!! Looking forwards to the next one :))
Hmmm, I see. :)
But C'mon @starkerz! After mentioning so many people in your post, not even a single reference or mention of the presence, participation and contribution of Khal at HiveFest?
Sheesh mate! people are gonna think that he didn't voluntarily help with anything just because he had to return home prematurely before the HiveFest ended. Hahahaha
But yeah bro. After your comment here, now I know that you are truly grateful and happy with his attendance and participation in the event.
I can think of many people who deserve way more attention than me so I'm glad Starkerz took the time to make a post about them (surprised he even has a Hive account tbh 😜), but thank you
So many people contributed to the event in so many awesome ways. All I did was show up lol
Lol!! This is proof I have a hive account. It gets dusted off for special occasions
Credit: antisocialist
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