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RE: My first Hive Fest – What an experience

in #hivefest6 months ago

What a great resume of a very full agenda! I remember my first experience too in HF! It was in Amsterdam, and before I arrive, I must confess that I was a little bit unsure about... but as soon as I started to meet real live persons, and connecting them to the usernames that I saw till then in Hive community was a very great experience. And all the activities that we had were memorable! I'll never forget the "Balls os Steel" game! Have a safe journey back home :)


I can totally relate to that. It took some time until the ice was melted but then we really some great talks :-)

The true "power" of "Social" on the Social-Fi, just like crimsonclad said "Value is valuable to you because means something to you"
I hope to attend one future HiveFest, even that I keep very good memories from the HF7 in Amsterdam
Have a great weekend!