For the dapp game hustlers, or anyone else looking to make great money playing video games In the safety of your home well we wait out the pandemic!

in #hivegaming4 years ago


So one of the many dapps I'm Into Is popping off now.  We're about to be at war and that means tons of free crypto If we play are cards right.  Even If we didn't war causes demand for highly sought after items In the game to Increase steadily.  It's space game like Eve but when It was In  Beta.  But You essentially create NFT's with the ore you collect.  Refining it and crafting components for making ships, and all their modules.  You can sell at any of these points.  I found a site with an api from the game providing extensive market data.  

doge meme.jpeg

  Now this game Is free to start but If you're In the position to do It throwing down for the 20 dollar starter crate Is a great deal.  It will get you going so much faster.  The Increase In momentum Is well worth.  They have been debugging the game quite successfully and soon we are going to blow it up with tons of new people increasing market prices on NFT's.  But for now My alliance Is one of the two biggest which a third broke off and Is starting trouble.  They dwarf our size, but are playing some shady games which will lead to their demise.  Given the current situation I am recruiting so You'll get tons of resources right away by joining up with us.  Who will teach you how to optimize profits In the game...  I've provided a referral link.  Feel free to use It to sign up.  It helps me devote my time to helping people grow In this game and many more opportunities I'm Into.  Just reach out so I can get you setup In a good guild which will be a primary catalyst to boosting your momentum to get to the point where you are optimizing profits.  this game Is going to be huge.  I only wish I was In It since the alpha.  HMU with any questions...


Stay fly everybody, Dex