EXODE aims for massive growth this year

in #hivegaming11 months ago (edited)

We know you heard about EXODE.
You got a seat into it, and may be wondering what is happening out there.

Is space silent?
Or is it slowly but firmly reaching the planet you wanted, to have a land plot there to thrive?

You may be the first Settlers.
But watch out:

They are silent for now; they haven't heard; they do not know.
But the large waves are coming.
EXODE will distribute itself this year.

The masses will come when the time is right: with gameplay ready to be played ; and from a marketplace or blockchain they know best.

We know all this, and that's why we are coming to them with a plan about that.

We are engaging several growth pools.
And wanted to share you a lot more information about it!

Virality and Engagment

One growth method is virality & engagement:
making sure that every player we will get may bring more than one other player.

We are working on gameplay updates with this in mind but we take other solutions too.

One is integrating Dequest in our development within the coming weeks.
Dequest rewards players in WEB3 games from engaging in social actions and gameplay actions.

We are still exploring it but we created our test EXODE page there and are so far really happy with what Dequest seems to be doing.

This means that we will add levels and engagement quests and will see how to connect that to an API to join it to EXODE web3 incentives and real rewards.

We want this ready and tested before we activate our full growth.
You will be part of these tests!

2024-04-24 15_21_45-DeQuest.jpg


If we work so much on EXODE Factions it is because we plan to make it a mobile app, which means self-distributing a F2P version with a claimable HIVE account.

The advantage of a mobile app is that it gives access to new distribution.
We will detail this further once Factions is fully play-tested on desktop.

EXODE is not distributed... yet!

EXODE is basically not distributed for now.
I mean that very few people came to know about it for now.

It is actually lucky for those who got a seat already:
as one big valuation is to come, with "the valuation by number of new players".

This means that once it gets some distribution and communities are made aware of it, an amazing valuation is going to happen, as it always does in web3 once you get a first massive group of new players.

It is much unlike some of these massive million-members presales you have seen elsewhere.

If something is already pre-sold to a million wallets chances are that it was "its main sales" already. This needs to be converted into gameplay and good tokenomics but rare are the ones able to do so.

Thus, these massively pre-distributed games will become much threatened in value once P2E is active, as a massive number of wallets extracts currency. We have seen it everywhere in seeded currencies or P2E projects with a too large presale.

EXODE situation is different.

EXODE has a crazy number of card models and situations and angles of valuation, every market from implants to suits to weapons or ammo or starships or planets or planetary materials having the potential to be its own niche, and protects itself from regular P2E schemes.

Yet EXODE has too many game scenes, with too few playable scenes and too many others in development.

Factions is going to provide one big gameplay loop to fix all that while we finalize the rest.

That's for our content and gameplay.
But what about distribution?

EXODE in Marketplaces

Our synchronized marketplace initiative is simple: publishing EXODE assets to other blockchains. Basically all of them.

We will provide a central market to list everywhere in the world ; everywhere with a working API, of course. And players will not have to bother about it, they will just list in one place, this will list in all others, and players will earn the HIVE currency back.

This will be done immediately after contract opening and Factions.

EXODE in Ethics

Last year we tried to push some ethics in web3 gaming and to see if this could be the base of a HIVE proposal to validate good ethics (or "tokenethics") in games by settling a third party for that.

There is a goal here to allow more regular catalogs to accept ethical web3 games which would not behave as ponzis.

Web3 game plugin

We also pushed the idea of a shared plugin across web3 games ; able to advertise in good communities and ethical games, while brining some shared utility and features and why not, currency conversions.

We thought the ethical party and the game plugin could also be bases for two HIVE proposals.

When we pitched some witnesses about it, the feedback received was that we needed "to work that idea very progressively through the ranks" before having a proposal funded.

And that doing that needed a lot of work and PR activity. We lacked the funds to travel to HIVE Fest or other happy activities and we also needed to work so much on EXODE, so we keep these ideas for later.

Distribution networks

And we kept the best for now!
But there are other ways to come to known dapps, than through an ethical group or a shared plugin.

We are joining distribution networks. We bring to them innovative science fiction in web3, and they help us make more players aware of EXODE.

For now we are exploring our options. We are very positive about the values from the guys within SKALE Network with whom we got in touch, so we felt it was the right time to share some good words about them.

This network lands an EXODE foot into zkEVM awareness space. This is an ETH gasless related technology with a large number of markets with a lot of funds. Markets mean that they are already to become part of our synchronized marketplace initiative.

So there is a web of distribution and potential, all becoming very mature here, and tying together a perfect win-win strategy.

We got our head deep into development for Factions (again), so more news will follow once we finalize this opportunity.

But please note SKALE Network is 28.4M total active wallets and 40M monthly transactions.

We think these people need a good sci-fi game to play.
What do you think?

This is our first message speaking about what they do, but there will be others; if exploration comes along nicely, we plan to make HIVE know better about them.

We also think blockchains need "to make users join", and what is better than to join into their dapps, and playing a game seamlessly?

This may become the biggest milestone to be seen in EXODE.

2024-04-24 17_04_37-SKALE _ Zero Gas Fee EVM Blockchain _ AppChains Built for Web3 Gaming.jpg

What is more to say about growth?

EXODE is a science fiction game played on HIVE.


Feel free to try it here or to join our Discord if you have any question!

You can also find more information about Factions , but also, and this is important, more information about our currencies in one of our latest articles.


This sounds more exciting than when we first started evacuations! I must say I'm eager to see the new stuff!!!

Great work! It's always exciting reading the progress and efforts made to get EXode fully operational. I'll keep up to date on the EXode Discord and see what else I can do to support you and the EXode Team as you get closer to launch!