EXODE shares a new gameplay mode, colonization progress, and access to alpha PACKS!

in #hivegaminglast year (edited)

We are the future and we come with gifts!

We have been working hot and steady, so let's share what came out recently from your servitors at EXODE production!

( EXODE can be played at https://exode.io )

A new gameplay mode

Some of the big news first!

We have been working on a new gameplay mode for EXODE.
It should be first playable next week and will be called EXODE FACTIONS.

It will test colony missions in special squad and mission simulated missions.
And it will feature, as you can guess, one of our strong points: our factions of the 2325 universe!

Ayumi will also be playable as a character in EXODE Factions!

  • You don't have anything more to purchase to unlock access to it. Any EXODE card is enough.

  • It will use existing starship, origin, character, equipment cards and their skill traits.

  • All your existing cards (and duplicates) will automatically propose an unlockable character in EXODE Factions.

  • The more duplicates of a card you have, the more "stars" your proposed character will have!

  • The more characters you have and factions you have, the more missions systems (called "Simulators") you will be able to play!

  • A first mission (a demo mission) is planned for release next week.

How to participate?

You just have to log in and have at least some cards.

Also, the more cards you have (be it more faction coverage, more different factions, or even duplicates of cards), the better, but you don't have to have them at that time. You also acquire these cards at any time after.

As a matter of fact, we plan a demo mission next week and a new blog article to answer many questions you may have! so you can also discover what it is in a few days.

Do elite cards count?

Just as in regular EXODE, elite cards will still be separate entities from normal cards: they will generate separate characters. So having elite cards or even better, duplicate elite cards will be great!

Do upgraded cards count?

Upgraded cards will count as many duplicates as the number of cards used into them, so having upgraded cards before will absolutely not be a disadvantage.

Why such a system?

An extremely high number of reasons.
Some of them below:

  1. The system results from a heavy work on our colony mission system. We find that its fun to commit your characters into special slots requiring some character skills. We defined mission character slots that way. And would like some of these missions to become a "proposed event" to the player in a mission interface, to allow some more direct gameplay.

  2. So EXODE Faction will test & use the same programming and presentation: receive missions, place characters, click on button, and server processes all that.

  3. And as you know we have many diverse card templates, many different characters on many diverse planets so isolating test cases has proven to be complicated. We are going to isolate all missions and characters thanks to that system.

  4. But it also gives utility to player collections. Players have a colony, but they need to play with the rest of their cards too. EXODE Factions will fulfill that role.

  5. In EXODE factions you have characters you can claim and then send into "mission simulators". There will be a colony simulator, a ship simulator and a battle simulator, among other setups.

  6. Some simulators will be faction-specific: such as placing navy characters, criminal characters, syndicate characters, and so on.

  7. As you can guess, the colony simulator will directly test some of what we want to test in special missions (such as wildlife attacks, survival challenges, etc) but as the "simulator" name entails it can be different than "the real thing out there"... thus preserving the mystery of the new galaxy!

EXODE Factions will be as easy to play as any card collection game: you unlock your characters, you place them in mission simulators, you click on a button, you wait, you get your rewards!

We know it's hard to play an evacuation and it makes the rest of your collection underused wo we thought of a system which can use your entire collection.

We want it to be as easy and engaging to play as any gacha game (without the bad aspects of it), and to give an extreme utility to your collection thanks to the audience it can have.

It took us some time to find out what mechanics will make sense in giving utility to your collection.

We have been looking for implementing a proper, fun, intense staking game model for some time and our Fleet System was worked on first but it is intended for very involved players ; this new system will be much more open.


Demo next week!

New currencies!

EXODE Factions won't directly attack the value of EXOFUEL so new currencies will also rise to work with it. So, speaking about rewards, we are deploying new currencies soon!

You will receive what you need for free and from your Settler points. (more about that later)
This will allow you to claim your first characters once the feature will be deployed.

Speaking about currencies, we are considering burning an extremely high amount of EXOFUEL (really many) to make it fall into our usage estimates.

A lot of our own EXOFUEL storage is going to be burnt!

We have a release plan for these currencies.
It will all be announced in a next blog article!

A new access to PACKS!

Do you remember Alpha Boosters?


In a previous post some long time ago, we set their limit to 80k and burned the rest.
(referral boosters not included)

We determined 50 000 to be reserved for our current playerbase.
And 30 000 to be reserved for special offers to new marketplaces.

As it turned out thanks to a soft cap mechanic and a few days left once its hit, players exceeded the planned 50k, burned through the soft cap and took 71 652 boosters (according to our latest count) before the shop eventually closed!

Leaving only 8k alive!

It was many months since they were available.

Since then we have moved into Technical Beta which in terms of collections, made the alpha super rare.

  • We now believe new marketplaces should receive beta boosters. Because it's beta.
  • So this means we are proposing our remaining, our VERY LAST, alpha boosters back into our regular shop. (all 8 348 of them)

Now will be your chance to get your hands at some specific alpha characters!
And make yourself more ready for EXODE Factions!

Alpha boosters will be brought back to shop on Friday, September 29th at about 4 PM UTC.
They will be proposed at 5.49 USD and will allow regular discounts to apply.
They can be immediately opened and give access to hundreds of alpha card models.

They will remain there for a week or until all of them are taken.
If several orders want to take all of them at once, the first order received will be processed.

New payment interface


We are working on integrating Stripe for payments.

It may not be ready for Thursday as we prioritized some colonization features last week.
But we'll work on it!


And now about colonization gameplay!
During August we deployed a new interface and a direct access from your "space dashboard".

We have updated it two times since, however a major update is receiving its last debugging befor coming out later this week.

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Here are some of the new and existing instructions.

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Interface instructions
show citizensUserDisplays your current characters in a new "citizens" window.-
show teamsUserDisplays your current teams in a new "teams" window.-
show alientrackingUserDisplays alien danger information. (currently empty).-
details citizensUserDisplays your current characters with a lot of details.-
details teamsUserDisplays your current teams with a lot of details.-

You can replace "show" with "hide" to remove a window for display.
You can also use arrow keys to browse previous commands.

All these instructions were working in v1.00 and latest 1.04.
Map was added in 1.06.

Team instructions
createteamCitizenOpens the create team dialog (you will name a team leader).-
deleteteamTeamAllows to disband a team.-
add [X] toteam [Y]Citizen+TeamAdds target citizen to target team.-
remove [X] fromteam [Y]Citizen+TeamRemoves target citizen from target team.-

Another instruction is still in development (will be published in v1.10):

[ In Development ]ForDescription-
assignTeamOpens the assign dialog. It will allow to assign a project or workplace to your team.-
sendteamTeamOpens the away team dialog. It will allow to assign a team and destination.-

You can display your teams in the colonization console deployed last August.

Citizen instructions
[ In Development ]ForDescription-
settlePassengerOpens the settle dialog. It will convert the target passenger card into real citizen(s) at your colony.-
chooseCitizenOpens the choose dialog. It will allow to make lasting decisions such as choosing the habitat for your citizen.-
choosenextCitizenOpens the choose next dialog. It will allow to choose the next food, drink or a leisure activity.-

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Colony instructions

For now you can display the map of your current colony site. This will be used when placing structures.

colonymapUserDisplays your current colony site (a demonstration only at the moment)-

This map will be replaced in a next update with your generated map.

More colony instructions are also coming to allow you to set up your colony rules and assign colony staff.

[ In Development ]ForDescription
reviewnextdayUserWill give a summary of all next day instructions (such as what citizen will eat)-
reportUserOpens the report dialog to review some outstanding events and colony reports.-

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Website updates

Website also received an updated to display our "Hive Game Deck".

This new topbar shows how much HIVE you have on your wallet and on Hive Engine, but also how much EXOFUEL.

It will evolve with more ingame information related to our collection, your colony and EXODE Factions!


That's all for today pilots!
Do not forget about Friday!

You can click here to play the game or here to meet us on our discord.
Or you can share this article or our next Leothreads!


Awesome! You and the team have been making great strides for the development of this dApp and it is coming to fruition. Good luck with your next installments and I hope everything launches smoothly!

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That is a good update. Thanks.

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