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RE: EXODE invites us to a blog-coffee-talk!

in #hivegaming2 years ago (edited)

Of course this makes me think that an actual IRL coffee-talk would be great... that's sure to happen for when I am less needed on the coding deck!

About the questions raised I actually anticipate that many players would point out to rush beta as being the best solution. I am ok with the fact it will become the preferred option. We still need weeks to implement the arts and features for it but it sounds like a good option.

It's just that I observed that with all the information EXODE has, it needs to refine UI/UX at every corner. Or it can very quickly lose the gameplay it can aim for (because of too much or unclear information containers, lack of purpose, lack of events or too many of them, etc).

Proposing EXODE content to WAX could be something to do too and which was planned actually since months (some alpha boosters were even set aside for it).

On that angle I think demands about guild features, social aspects, market bids, better transactions clarity and especially improving EVAC/Scanning scenes are still required to make sure "new players fit in". Some of this can be delayed, or put aside, but most should be implemented.

That's why I'll think about it again in end December, once we can play with more content on EXODE itself!